News - The Ftac Recon Kind Of Sucks - Warzone 2 Battle Rifle Review

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Hey, there's the one boom, and today we're going to be shaking up how these weapon reviews work. I've been sort of dabbling with different ideas and styles for these reviews, but you know what I excel at in the informal area, and that's where I really want to focus. If I did every single stat, then I'd be more like an exclusive Ace or a Drifter, or, you know, I'd be sort of just wasting your time.

Well, you could go to {125}. Get the stats right from the game; this is a review; if there's a stat that I feel like I need to mention. I'm going to mention it, but doing a sort of one-bang version of in-depth is just not something that's fun for me or enjoyable to me. I like talking about the weapons, but I don't enjoy telling you the exact meters per second.

The bullets travel at it's worth noting that the muzzle velocity of this weapon is 480 meters per second, but that's just not relevant to what I'm going to be saying. So the F-Tech Recon is a part of the M4 platform family, and the import platform has a lot of very good weapons in it, and I personally believe that the F-Tech is the worst, at least in my experience.

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I've put a lot of hours into the ftac, and I have to say it's conflicting on multiple levels, and that's what this review is going to be focusing on. It's too fussy of a weapon, and I'm going to explain why. The first problem I have with the f-tac is that the most effective range that you're going to fight at is the same range you'd use an assault rifle at because the f-tex recoil is high and is increasingly high the more you spam it.

Long-distance shots become a chore because of this recoil. The F-Tech has a very small default magazine size. 10 Rounds: When you factor in this gun, it's going to take two to three shots to kill within effective range, and you can get a one-shot kill within 18 meters, and those effective ranges are essentially 42 and 70 meters.

42 for the two-shot format and 70 for the three-shot format, so you're often going to be using two to three shots. To get a kill, and if it's really particularly hectic in a gunfight, you're going to be using four shots, meaning you can get maybe three kills per magazine in average scenarios where you're not being, you know, a headshot clicker.


God, you're going to be using around three to four shots in a hectic or fast-moving gunfight, especially if you miss a shot anyway. You're going to burn through ammo anyway, so if you have a small magazine of 10 rounds, this is extremely punishing when you miss those upper torso and headshots that you need for that optimal TTK.

This gun can kill in around 120 milliseconds if you're fast, and it can kill instantly to the head, but that doesn't matter. This is so high-risk. High reward Yes, you can melt somebody within its effective range, which again, to me, would be around 40 meters at most. I think the recoil is too high to consistently deal with people, but the muzzle velocity isn't, which is amazing.

So within that effective range, you're going to be spending too much ammo, making it so high risk for the reward, and again, you're fighting within the range that you could be using a more versatile fully automatic assault rifle because we're not even going to be talking about the f-tac in full auto because the f-tac and full auto are dealing less damage and are still limited to a 10-round magazine.

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The f-tac is really excelling in mid-to-close range, and if I slow down my aim, my sight speed, my movement speed, my sprint, my fire speed, and my reload speed. I'm slowing all of that down I'm, going to have a less fun time getting into gunfights. I just might have a couple more rounds for the gunfights that are not as optimal, so if the 15-round magazine wasn't so heavy.

I would say that maybe this gun would just have that as a crutch attachment, and that would be my biggest complaint, but there are so many downsides. It's just a bad situation. Snapping out of sprint and landing the perfect two-shot or outstanding one shot to the head is the satisfying reason to use the f-tac.

You effectively have the sprint-out time of the M4 with the ability to nail somebody with a 120-millisecond time to kill. Unfortunately the recoil and small magazine size make the weapon feel horribly inflexible. A larger default magazine and some more manageable recoil would make the gun feel more at home as a heavy AR or DMR.

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I think if it started with a 15-round magazine and you could upgrade it to a 20- or 25-round magazine, that would be pretty sweet to use. The weapon in full auto, like I said earlier, is a fool's game as the four mentioned small magazines and heavy recoil are damning in most engagements, and when you try to bring that recoil down and try to increase the muzzle velocity up with various attachments, you end up creating a very clunky marksman rifle, but it doesn't work very well as a marksman rifle because it doesn't deal the damage or have the capabilities of a marksman rifle, so you're essentially killing your effective range because again, your effective range is close to Mid, and when you slow the gun down, you're going to have you're going to have even less of a chance of winning those gun fights.


So basically, what I'm saying is that if you want to mitigate the downsides of the f-TAC Recon, the attachments you'd use to do that would hurt. The reason that you would use the f-tac recon is that you don't use the f-tek recon in full auto because, again, it deals less damage and has heavy recoil, so if you again mitigate the downsides, you make it so heavy that you just wonder, "Why am I not using a marksman rifle or sniper rifle?" It all comes back to the fact that the range where I'd use the f-tac is the same range where I'd use an M4 or an STB or a Lochman 556; it's a mid- to close-range weapon.

I do like it; I don't love it, but I do like it, and the reason I like it is that satisfyingly fast time to kill -- 120 milliseconds if you can nail it or the one-shot headshot is really nice in those assault rifle ranges that can really throw people off guard at that high risk. The high reward is real; it is a real high reward.

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I just hate the fact that mitigating the gun's downsides creates so many other downsides that it's not really worth doing that, so what I would say is use this as an aggressive DMR. Use this as an aggressive lightweight DMR that, at close to mid-range, can drop people almost instantly. Using this as a heavy AR and fully automatic or trying to pace your shots at a long range like a marksman rifle—they're both doable, and I'm sure you could find attachments that make it surprisingly doable, but it's not optimal, and it's not what I believe the weapon should be used like.

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