News - Secret Easy Trick To Win 90% Of Warzone 2 Matches

You're just stuck doing this and working my way up, and again, a helicopter would have been nice, and there's one right there, but I don't think after this we'll check and see if there's any more, but if there was. I think it was up top. All right, we're going to sit right here. See how that's going to be the stronghold right there?

As I say that, as I'm like slapping the ground, you can see that someone's fighting these dudes. I'm going to grab the RPK here. I've yet to use the RPK, so I'm a little excited to try it. Did I just see a guy? Is that a fella? no, it was that thirty thousand dollars, so what do you think I'm going to do?


Okay, so what I'm going to do is actually just run over here and grab a UAV. See, the circle's starting to come in; we need to kind of take high ground because, as you can see right here, this is going to be your high ground, so you can mark it on your map. You see the fellow right there, He's gonna be playing it he's going to be playing it, and that might just screw us over, so we kind of need to rotate around again.

I've got 22 people left, so like the 23rd flight or 22nd place if I die right now, so that's already a higher placement than a lot of people are able to pull off, but let's go ahead and pop this UAV and learn where people are. We got a guy camping that center circle, so that guy's probably done some recon or not, and that guy's probably done some Intel contracts, which is great for him but bad for us.

warzone 2

Also, it would have been a good idea to go ahead and get a Muni, but right here I can just mount up and wait for him to stand still. It seems like you don't have to fight anything, and that's kind of the beauty of this: I can just immediately rotate over here, and the only thing is there's going to be no Yeah, if you're going to do this, you kind of need to get money—not money, you need to get munitions—because we know that there's a guy in there, and we're kind of just going to be camping this out because we have no reason to move because we have The High Ground, and you just want to play positioning.

Dang, that guy got a shot in. Okay, I don't even have an armor satchel. I've just come to this conclusion: Foreigners are not to push us but instead to rotate. Be a wild player and push me right now; he's not pushing, okay, so we can just vibe out over here. What I'm going to do is check this direction and see if I can find anybody like Late Rotating, because usually you'll catch somebody like that guy right there.

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You know what I'm saying now. We just wait to see what the next circle is, and you play High Ground on that. The reason why is because we know that there was a guy in that circle earlier, and we also know that there's a guy sniping over on the left. Now we can hold high ground, but if I'm not wrong, there's a guy in that building who sees that I keep getting this weird glitch when I lay down with these guns that it just like puts me on top of things; I don't want to stand still, so we're trying not to hold high ground; we're just holding these late-game positions.

Right, the higher the ground you have, the better in most scenarios as long as you have cover, but what is happening? So that's going to be the spot that we want, right? You see this right here, This little plateau is important because, if you look at the circle, this plateau is the highest ground you can have.

Of course. I could stay, like, right here, but you have no cover, so when you keep high ground, your goal is to keep cover, because cover is how you win, but now we're going to have to slowly place the circle and use our flashbang to our advantage here. Of course, I'm using weapons that are a little overpowered because you should be, so I'm using this, which has ridiculously low cover, and this guy below me.

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Now the beauty is that I actually have a durable gas mask. Do I need it? Probably not, but I should be able to toss that flashbang so I can see if someone's there. Right, you see those two guys fighting over there, got one right there, he's going to knock that guy down. I'm going to get the free kill on this, get the clean, and then this guy's going to try and get up, so we get the free kill on him, and that's how you win the game.

It's almost a difficult thing if you know how to play positioning and you play those Intel contracts, but it's almost a guarantee win as long as you play smart. I hope you enjoy yourself and that you learn something.

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