News - Rank #1 Solo Player Controller Settings For Warzone 2 (deadzone / Sensitivity)



Yo what's coming guys, today's article is going to be a 25-kill plus juicer with the best controller settings in the game and also the most underrated controller company out there. I'm going all over that at the end of the gameplay, and as always, don't forget to drop a like and subscribe for more.


Controller settings

Controller settings

righty guys, so first and foremost. I actually use a controller company by the name of Nagashoc. I just feel like this is a way more affordable option, and it's literally the exact same product as {105}. I also agree with what was said. Let's go ahead and hop into our settings. I am obviously on my controller; I play on tactical flip since I am an old grandpa, and I always used to drop shot.

Flipping is super important; definitely have flipped on the controller; vibration is on; definitely have that off; I plan on seven-seven sensitivity; I don't mess with any of these sensitivity multipliers. I have auto-print on now; I actually had this off for a little bit, but having it on is definitely the best way to prioritize, interact, and apply when playing.

best 2 settings controller

I'm not accidentally applying all my plates and getting caught out with a plate in my hand when I should be having a gun in my hand re-firing, somebody help me! Amos. I definitely have this set to default. Black Ops gives you a much stickier aim assist, but I just feel like it's inconsistent, and it makes my aim feel weird; default just feels normal and feels fine to me, so I use default.

Dynamic the aim-response curve is extremely important; it's going to go ahead and give you a way better snap at long range and much more. Snappy while you're ads so you don't have to unads and radius like, an old cause a dynamic, you can kind of just stay aimed down sight and still snap, and then we're going to go ahead and have our custom zooms.

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My low zooms are all 0.88 so I can be a laser, and then my sniper zooms, which are pretty much all sniper scopes, are all about 1.13 so I can snap faster. If somebody is at medium range with a sniper and you have a 7x zoom, it's going to be a very slow snap unless you obviously have a fast cent, so 1.13 would be like almost roughly an eight cent when I'm in the 80s with a sniper, so it just helps me snap in the close range.

best controller

Snipes, and then last but not least, our inputs Dead Zone My left stick is going to be at 0.04, and my right rice is going to be at 0.05. My left stick is under 0.05 because I wanted to register my movements as quickly as possible. I don't like 0.00 because of this: You could almost sometimes accidentally move, and I don't like that because obviously it's going to end up getting killed, and then your left stick Max actually registers your full sprint faster than if you have it on 0.99 you have this lower than.

My single tap to run has my invert slide and dive behavior set to inverted, and that's very important automatically. Ground metal is off automatically. Make sure you have your parachute settings set so it doesn't auto-pull ever, and that's pretty much going to be it, guys. I hope that these settings help you guys out.

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I hope you guys check out Nagasha; at the very least, we'll take a look around the site. Not only is the price great, but the shipping times are phenomenal, and the customer service is really good. Take care of yourself.

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