News - New" Top 5 Must Use Guns After Season 3 Update. Best Class Setups Warzone 2 - Cod Warzone 2

Very good secondary loadouts

Very good secondary loadouts

I really like the x13, and I just run these attachments with this tuning real quick, and then I do like to run the P890. That is also a very good, broken secondary. Basically, for all my secondaries, I always run a knife so I can run around the map a little bit quicker. If I do run a pistol, it's always going to be the Kimbo.

I don't really have any single class setups like single pistol class setups; maybe in the future I will do those; it's just that I never use them, so I gotta like force myself to make a class for those, and I think that is going to wrap it up. You know, I might have a single. I actually don't know if this one is good.

Probably a pretty good one. Let's check out the tuning. Yeah, I don't think I'm tuning any of these things, but this is a pretty good setup, and that's going to wrap it up for this article. I hope you guys found it helpful. If you want to get better at the game, see more articles like this.

00NEW TOP 7 MUST USE GUNS After SEASON 3 UPDATE! Best Class Setups in Modern Warfare 2 - COD MW2. Check out Guapci for camo services and many other services.
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