News - New Top 5 Fastest Killing Guns After Update Warzone 2. Warzone 2 Best Class Setups. Weapons

cod mw2 best class

AKA "Blue Dot Sight: A Clean and Clear Optic Picture." In order to rock this weapon at longer ranges as well, which we can do for the tube, we're going to just increase the aim downside speed to negative 2.81. And we're going to leave the eye position alone; that's how I like to run it, and I believe that's going to be the best way you guys can run it again so we can table out at longer ranges, now obviously where the laser is.

We are not going to run it, but we are going to rock a barrel here, and we are going to equip the covert Force barrel, which is going to be a good option because it has an integrated sound suppressor. Now for the tune, we are going to bump up the aim down side speed—not the damage, because that's going to be irrelevant to negative Point 23—and also the aim walking speed to negative Point 19, so we can walk around, ready to win each battle.

modern warfare 2

These are great adapters to rock on the Finnick 45, because remember, we can use it at those longer ranges. Now for the tune, we are going to be increasing the aim down sight speed to negative point 14 and bumping up the hip recoil control, not the hip walking speed, to plus 0.67. So we can spray and pray off the hip if we do get into a close range engagement, and then finally, for the magazine we have on the Finnick mag 45, bump up the ammo capacity because this weapon has a ridiculously fast time to kill 45.

That's going to be the bare minimum we want to deal with now that you've jumped into the firing range, and you're going to be super happy because the Finnick literally has a fast aim-down psych time. It's, as such, a fast time to kill at those longer ranges. Man, the setup is going to be the combat knife stun grenade proximity mine and my custom perk packet set up for double-time scavenger resupply, And, a quick fix, and obviously, for the field upgrade.

We have Pro enabled with the mission box and dead silence. Give this class setup a try. It is a monster. It's a submachine gun we can use at close range and also dominate at longer ranges.

Best vel 46 class setup mw2

Best vel 46 class setup mw2

Now for class setup number four, we're going to be taking a look at valve 46, a recently buffed SMG that is pretty damn effective now, for the belt under the rear grip category we have on the soldier grip in order to go ahead and bump up that sprint to fire speed as well as aim down side speed.

You guys know the drills we can use to destroy people at those close ranges. Now for the tune, we're going to bump up the sprint to fire speed to negative 20 and the aim down side speed to negative 0.65, so we can dominate players no matter where they are on the map. For the stock here, we are going to go ahead and increase the aim down sight speed, sprint to fire speed, movement speed, and hip recoil control.

modern warfare 2 best class

With the collapse stock, we're going to go ahead and remove the stock so we can dominate players and destroy at close ranges. Unfortunately, we cannot do this with this weapon because it would be overpowered if we could. The optic is not necessary; the iron sights are crystal clear, so we're going to go ahead and stay away from that.

The same thing goes for the laser; it's just not going to help us out, so we're going to skip over this attachment. We are ever going to rock a barrel, and we're going to run the 203-millimeter barrel to bump up that bullet velocity, damage, range recoil, control, and hit accuracy. Now, we are going to be running this attachment with the Sin Guard MK5 Muzzle in order to bump up that sound suppression bubble, velocity damage range, as well as smoothing out the recoil pattern, making it a perfect attachment on the valve, allowing us to get an enemy spawn, build up a very quick and easy streak, and have the benefits of long range, which they went ahead and buffed in this update as well.

modern warfare 2 best class setup

This is why the Vel is one of the best, if not the best, SMGs to use if you're trying to go for a nuke. Now for the tune, we are going to increase the bullet velocity to plus 0.77, and we're also going to go ahead and bump up the aim-down sight speed to negative Point 54, bringing it the best of both worlds.

Here at close range as well as long range, you cannot go wrong with the same guard, the MK5, muzzled, and then finally for the underbarrel, we are going to rock the lock grip Precision 40. We're going to rock this again to smooth out the recoil pattern some more and also bump up the hip fire accuracy as well as that aim walking steadiness.

A good attachment here is going to really make this weapon incredibly easy to use at long ranges. Now for the tune, we're going to be increasing the aim down sight speed to negative point 14 and also bumping up the hip recoil control not. The walking speed of plus 0.31, again to strengthen the close range handling as well, will make it a jiffy at close range.

modern warfare 2 best class setups

You're going to see through the veil that not only is it a fast-aiming down sight, but it's also going to be melting and taking people out very easily at longer ranges as well. Again, for the man setup, we are going to rock the combat knife and strong grenade proximity mine, as well as my perks. I am on double-time scavenger replenishment.

Best taq 56 class setup mw2

Best taq 56 class setup mw2

The faster you can add, the easier it is going to be to get a kill for the tomb now. You are going to bump up your fire speed to negative 19 and your aim down sight speed to negative 0.26. Now for the stock, we're going to rock the TV Cardinal stock with a great attach and a couple up with a rear grip so we can have increased aim walking speed as well as sprint speed with more close range handling, so for the tune, we are going to bump up the aim walking speed to negative 1.55.

We're also going to be increasingly, aimed down sight speed to negative 1.81. Again, to bump with the close range handling so we can outgun SMG players if we do get into a close range gunfight, obviously for the optic we're going to skip over these attachments. The iron sights on the tap 56 are crystal clear and super easy to use; there is no need to waste an attachment here, and the same thing goes for the laser.

modern warfare 2 best gun

Also, believe it or not, we are not running a barrel on this attachment either because it's honestly not necessary with this assault rifle or putting on something else now, for the muzzle we have on the Eculus 80, to bump up that sound suppression bullet velocity damage range as well as recoil smoothness, so we're going to have the best of both worlds here: close ranges with the sound suppression, so go ahead and build a quick and easy streak, and we're also going to have that long range capability.

Modern Warfare 2 - MW2 Best Class Setups Best Weapons MW2 in Season 1! NEW Modern Warfare 2 Best Class Setups After Season 1 Reloaded Update in MW2! Hope you enjoy the video and make sure to have a wonderful rest of your day.
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