News - New" Striker Smg Loadout Is Broken Warzone 3. Best Striker 9 Class Setup Warzone 2

1 striker loadout

Yeah, God, Nice Shot tyon nice trot, Tyson. YouTubers 31 kills on Vono Park with the striker SMG. For some reason, we all stopped using this thing, and it's still arguably the best SMG in the game.

New striker smg meta setup

New striker smg meta setup

Next one, all right guys, board the class set for today's article for my brand new Striker setup. Starting off with the muzzle attachment, we're going to rock the Zen mn35, a compensated flash hider. This is one of the newest muzzles in the most recent update; it's basically a mix between a silencer and a recoil attachment.

As you can see here, one of the first pros you can read is that it shortens the radar pings. This thing is one of my favorite attachments. I'm running it on all my ARSs and all my SMGs. Those of you guys who have been watching my articles know how much I really rock with this thing, so we're going to rock this new compensated flash harder for the enhanced vertical recoil control, horizontal recoil control, and fire ring stability.

best striker class

Our second attachment to the striker is going to go up. We're going to rock a barrel. We're going to rock the striker Recon, a long barrel with enhanced bull velocity, range, and aiming. I don't sway while jumping aboard with our third attachment. For the striker setup, we're going to rock a magazine, and we're going to rock the 48-round mag for the enhanced magazine ammo capacity.

For those of you guys who struggle with having the best accuracy or who miss a lot of shots, you might want to consider running the 60; it's not going to hurt your ads or your movement speed that much, and it would be more beneficial if you guys are losing a lot of fights because you're running out of ammo.

Jumping on board with our fourth attachment for the striker setup, we're going to rocker stock and we're going to slap on the no stock attachment, but enhance ads speed spread the fire speed a walking speed and hit fire and Tack stand spread, and then finally jumping on board with our fifth and final attachment for the striker.

The iron sights aren't my favorite for the most part, and the recoil kind of makes the iron sight even harder to use, so we're going to go up here and rock an optic as always. Optics are all about personal preference. In the article, I'm rocking the Nar Model 2023, and it feels absolutely insane. I love this class setup.

That being said, that's my favorite striker.

New striker smg gameplay starts

New striker smg gameplay starts

Ooh, [__], like, what are these guns? Are you having a rough time with guns down there? Man, no, I don't. You got one, okay? I want to make sure you get one before we fight. We fought, We, fought is, loading you got another gun again. All right, you are ready to fight. Now all right, come on.

I'm waiting for you where you are. Okay, how does he get up? I just go up the steps, zesty remaining, and the squad hunts them down. Gasb no Mar, I love that. I love that finisher—that little zesty finisher. He's stressed, Ralph. That guy's Lara on the fourth, the [__]. Much love, Homie. Thank you, seriously.

I appreciate the five Who Am I who am I? Who am I, kid? It's six i'm going to get slammed. Doing this, I ain't doing it; it's a one-way ticket to get throwing knifed baskets. Let's go, Get your skills up, get your kills up—remember that guy who was taking off the wall stuff? You have a game to play, or what?

best striker class modern warfare 3

Yeah, I kind of do too, just getting wiped. How many have you got? You just get. You can just get mine. Wait, what i mean, I'm going to try. We might not get it, but we'll see. I still need five, and there's only how many? It's on my roof. I'm going to move to the safe zone, which is far from your location.

You are H. Yeah, it ain't a good cross. I try to get out of the gas and flank him; he just scammed. You guys enjoy the game, man. Don't forget to smash that hard button. Run the lights up, baby. Let's go i got a super bad feeling, like, Look at how she walks; you know it's real.

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