News - Mwz How To Unlock The New Hrm-9 Warzone 2 Zombies Quick Guide #warzone 2 #warzone #mwz


Without any attachments. The new HRM 9 has an insanely fast ttk. Add a legendary tool and triple pack to any weapon, especially this one, and it becomes a must-have for your Modern Warfare 3 zombies. I will also share my favorite contract to level up every weapon in Modern Warfare 3 zombies later.

First, how do you get the new HR M9 SMG? Open your battle pass to Sector A21. To unlock the new HRM 9, complete five challenges. Challenge number one Get 10 special zombie kills while aiming down sights with SMG number two. Get 10 special zombie hip-fire kills with SMG number three. Get 10 special zombie-critical kills with SMG number four.

Get 10 special zombie T-stance kills with SMG number five. Get 20 special zombie kills while moving with SMGs. As the hunt for manglers, mimics, and disciples begins, you can easily complete these challenges by farming X-fill locations for aim-down sights. Throw on your favorite optics. I like the slate reflector on any SMG for easy hip-fire kills.

bad signal

Use the aimo wsp Swarm I like this load out here. We need critical headshot kills. Drink Deadshot Dakiri and use your favorite SMG with a large magazine. Triple back to increase the magazine size because you can run out of ammo easily with SMGs. Stand-out zombie kills Equip the 7 mW CED laser to your favorite SMG for 20 kills while moving.

I used my favorite Modern Warfare 2 SMG, the ISO 9 mm submachine gun. Necroplasm, blueprint with this load out here. 9-in PTX trainer CS15 Scarlet laser no optic torrent span 9 stock 50 round drum and the Breu and Warrior under Barrel shout out to Mr. Donuts this underbarrel, Provides great hip-fire accuracy and recoil control.

Once you complete all the challenges, you can go in and level up your new HRM 9. Equip a legendary tool scorcher, golden armor plates, and a hellhound pet. I keep my infinite ether blades every game by using the bad signal portal to dashboard out. I'll buy the Triple Pack from Zone 3 to save my Flawless Crystals.

duplication glitch

Don't have all these items at the start of your game. Watch this article here for the new way to fix the Tombstone duplication glitch after the season 1 reloaded update. The Outlast contract in Zone 2 by the bad portal signal is the best farm for weapons. I only got the weapon level seven in my first game because I forgot to equip double-weapon XP.

Equip double-weapon XP. Spawn into my second game, pick up the contract, and it's near the new warlord Doabe, so why not have her riff rewards improved recently? Let's see what we get from the Doabe fight. I took this zip line from the building adjacent. To fight, no fortress key is required. Get to this window.

Ascend to the roof zipline over there to fight Doabe. This fight is fairly easy if you have triple-pack legendary tools, self-revive golden armor plates, and a hellhound. Look, other players are here as well, and hey, is this the world's first? a ray gun from the reward Rift and the KDV enforcer she always drops as her weapon, but we want to get to the Outlast contract.


I promised it's here in Zone 2, and the zombie hords spawn insanely fast. I let my hellhound die to the hords, hes, swords, and zombie hordes. I let my hellhound die to the zombie hordes because he was stealing all my kills anyway. You can run this CR contract for the entire match. Just get far enough away to let the precision completion drop back down.

You can level up any weapon fast with this contract; it's my favorite. There's an ammo cach nearby in case you run out. I got the HRM 9 to level 18 from level seven; that's 11 levels, and I didn't even play the entire game. So now that you've unblocked and picked up your new HRM 9 SMG, you are ready to earn unlimited Max Essence.

Click here to learn how. Go away.

Unlock the new HRM-9 SMG in Modern Warfare Zombies and complete the fastest weapon XP contract to level up every weapon in MWZ. Visit battle pass to sector A21 To unlock the new HRM-9 and Complete 5 challenges. Challenge Number 1 Get 10 Special Zombie Kills while aiming down sights with SMGs. Number 2 Get 10 Special zombie hip fire kills with SMGs.
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