News - Is Warzone 2 Going To Fail

I did say that it would be better for the game if there was a lower time to kill so that the scrubs could do better and the casual players could have a little bit more fun. I followed through and said I'm a sweaty little nerd with a 3.6 KD that slide-canceled 24/7 Wars on one of my points, and I also think if ranking is added there should be a higher TTK in that mode, and I followed it up by saying you literally proved nothing in this tweet because, truthfully, there was nothing that could be proved.

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Of course, they went on to be like, You're going to get invited to an Activision thing one day, brother; let me tell you the only thing I've ever been invited to by Activision is to play Caldera early, and personally. I don't think they're ever going to invite me to anything. Just be real here; I've done this for 10 years, and I've not been invited to one event that was in person.

I'm not making these tweets for them; I'm making them for my audience. I hate to tell you, buddy, so just know I'm always going to be open and honest; it is what it is. You can like my opinions you can like my opinions it doesn't matter to me. Of course. I have the time to put in to learn all these things because I do this for a living.

Of course I'd prefer things like a high TTK and advanced movement because it means I get to win more games, however. It also means the casual gamer will get tired of playing much more quickly, and the game will die much faster again. It's all about perspective. I followed it up by kind of explaining myself.

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I said my audience is made up of mostly casual gamers, and my job is to support them the same way they support me. This is after most, either left during a war zone or at the end of the day. verdansk I think the big problem with these tweets is that people tend to be more vocal whenever there's something wrong.

If you think about things like leaving a review at a restaurant, the only time you're going to leave a review at a restaurant is when you're pretty upset with it. Unless someone at the restaurant asks you to leave a review, you're only going to say something like, "The food was terrible." You felt that way personally; you're not going to be a man; I really loved it; I'm going to leave them a review on TripAdvisor; that's just not going to happen; let's be honest; it doesn't happen.

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Luckily, I have a girlfriend, Brooke, that takes care of that for us. and 2 million people saw these tweets, and while the comments were half-and-half, there were a ton of interactions with them, whether it be "likes" or "quote tweets" of people saying it to their friends and stuff like that. It's because people love this casual game, gamers love it, and casual people are less likely to interact.

They are just, like, more casual whenever it comes to content creation. Because I never comment on people's YouTube articles, it sucks for me because I love to interact with people more, but when I don't do it, it makes me seem like a casual viewer, and so as a creator. I have to be able to see through all these angry comments of people being mad and recognize that it's not just the vocal minority that matters because we are the top three percent.

We are that top three percent, which doesn't affect the bottom dollar of Activision, so they need to focus on the 97. We are the players that are spending the most money. For every sweat that buys a hundred skins, there are a thousand casuals that buy five skins, so that's 5.000 versus like a hundred.

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You have to really think of it from that perspective because the likelihood of one person having a ton of money versus a few people having a little bit of money is completely different, and the reason these people aren't sweating or buying these skins is because they don't have the time to level these guns and they need to get the attachments.

It's the same reason that articles about leveling guns go viral: no one wants to spend all their time leveling attachments; they just want to have fun and play the game with their friends. There are so many things that most people just don't have self-awareness or perspective for, and I genuinely hope that this article has helped in some way please if.

You are someone who loves this game. I want to hear about your experience. Have a great

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