News - How To Get The Polyatomic Riot Shield Warzone 2 (fastest And Easiest Way)



In this article, I'm going to show you the fastest and easiest way to get the polyatomic riot shield in Modern Warfare 2.

Class setup

Built For For this challenge, the first thing you need to make sure you have is the Dead Silence field upgrade. This will make a massive difference and help significantly.

When it comes to getting kills from behind because it allows you to move around the map quieter, a lot of times without Dead Silence if you sneak up behind somebody you go for that behind the back kill and they turn around and ruin it for you, so having Dead Silence will make a massive difference when you sneak up on somebody or find someone.

I would even recommend waiting until you get close to someone before you pop the question. So you have plenty of dead silence to catch up to them and hit them from behind with the shield, so again, make sure you have dead silence as your field upgrade. The second thing that you want to make sure you have are double time and ghost as your perks.

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These are extremely useful, as double will help you move around the map a lot quicker because, as most of you know, with the riot shield, you're pretty damn slow, and ghosts will help keep you off that UAV once it's activated. There's nothing more annoying than having somebody turn around and ruin your kill from behind.

Stun grenades will be extremely useful, as you'll be able to slow the enemies down.

Tips tricks

Tips tricks

I didn't do this for the first couple times I was trying to get this challenge completed, but then I found it way more useful once I started using them because even if somebody wasn't looking at me and they were running the other way, tossing That stun keeps them from moving, slows them down tremendously, and they're not even able to turn on you, so constantly hitting players with stun grenades will significantly increase this challenge.

It's easier for you regardless of whether they're looking at you or not. Make sure you're always using that stun grenade just to make sure they don't do a quick turnaround or start sprinting away from you, so use the stuns; they'll be very useful. The last thing you want to make sure you have is an UAV, as well as counter-UAVs; this will make things a lot easier if you're able to acquire these kill streaks.

double kills with riot shield

Obviously, the counter will help keep you off the UAV if they get one, and the standard UAV will obviously help show where the players are, so if you can see somebody kind of camping it out in the back of the map, you might be able to hit a flank with that dead silence knowing they're there and get an easy kill from behind with the UAV.

Counter-UAVs, as well as having friends that are playing with you and are also running those kill streaks, will make a massive difference. One other thing that you can do that I did was run the combat knife as your secondary. That way, you can move around the map a lot quicker. What I would do is whip out the combat knife, run around until I got close to somebody, and then pull out the riot shield.

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Now, when it comes to game modes for completing this challenge, how do you do it? I would recommend only playing Tier 1. You can attempt to play "shoot house 24-7," which is not currently in the game, but when that drops, you can attempt to play that. I find that to be a little bit more of a challenge just because it's a two-tap to kill somebody, and, for the most part, if you hit somebody from behind with a ride showed, once they turn around and ruin that kill from behind for you, so I found tier one to be the easiest way to knock this out because it obviously only takes one hit, and if you're stunning players or coming up behind them with Daddy, it makes this way faster and easier if.

If you are completely against playing Tier 1 and you want to play shoot house or you want to play core game mode, you have to take massive advantage of the stun grenades. They're going to turn on you and ruin the kill from behind, so do it in Tier 1; the game mode doesn't really matter. I kind of found that out pretty quickly while attempting to get the polyatomic shield in Tier 1.

Game modes

Game modes

If you can play an objective-based game mode like Hardpoint, you'll have a lot of players moving in the same direction, and TDM kill confirm players tend to play a little bit slower. You might even want to play something like TD Amerikill confirmed on the shoot house map when you're going for this challenge just because players are playing a little bit slower and it makes it easier to get maybe behind them and they're not constantly sprinting away from you, but tier one is by far the easiest way to do it.

I was fortunate enough to knock most of this challenge out in one game of Tier One Hardpoint, but most of the time you just kind of wait it out and play slow; don't play super aggressively; try to get towards the middle of the map or towards the enemy spawn; and, kind of, just wait behind a doorway or a wall.

get 2 kills without dying 10 times

How To Get The POLYATOMIC Riot Shield in Modern Warfare 2 FASTEST and EASIEST WAY. Here's How To Get The Riot Shield Gold.
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