News - How To Get Super Easy Raid Assigments Mw2 And Warzone 2 Also Where To Find Friends For Raids

call of duty

Today, we've got another awesome one for you guys. I'm going to touch base with raids for you guys. For the rage, you need friends for this and use no matchmaking, so you'll need to actually have friends and that to take in to make a party for this, so for those people that are solo players out there.

I've got you. I've set up in my Discord a page for you, and it's named "Raids," Modern Warfare 2 looking for group players. If you don't have anyone to do this with, jump on in there; you're not alone; there are going to be lots of other people in there who will also have it. Use that to find someone and get in there and get your raids done.

right, and then it says over here, Team must. Have a raid assignment and earn a rain assignment by finishing in the top 20 and BR extracting. On the fourth chopper and with 30k, which is quite hard in the DMZ, especially with all the crashing and not being able to take your loadouts into the DMZ and stuff like that, or completing daily challenges in co-op or multiplayer, but those are bugged and sometimes don't count, so don't bother trying to do that either.


bother trying to do that; the easiest way to do it is right there, finishing the top 20 in Battle Royale. Start in the top 20. So literally, in Battle Royale Mini Royale, there are only 20 teams, so all you do is load into Mini Royale and then die. You can either just die do the do die in the gulag or wipe out the gulag and then die, and you'll finish in the top 20.

Then you instantly get access to raids, so you can go in, and only one of you in the whole group needs to have access to the raid to be able to take the group in, but it's so easy to get. You just put one load into Mini Royale and then die. So make sure you jump into that Discord that's there for you guys, so once it's there, it's there for you guys to use, but get in there and get that, and as you see here, once it loads in, you'll see there's only 20 teams there.

easy raid assigment

I think. And if it goes just over 20, it won't be very much, and it won't take much to actually get in, but I'm pretty sure that in the Battle Royale Mini-Race it's only up to 20 teams; it's loading, and we'll see it. Okay guys, as you see, we're just loading in, and we've only got 20 teams, so all we're going to have to do is just fall straight to our deaths, let the gulag either kill me or run out, or die in the gulag, and the game end, and then with the one we don't have, there's the top 20, and we're in the top 20.

It's as simple as that, guys. Now you might get the odd game where you might have just a little more than 20 teams. Let's go, guys, let's go. So you see, there are only 20 teams, so say that straight away we can just drop straight down and just die; it just falls to our deaths. We don't need to actually play it; we're already in the top 20.

how to find friends for mw2 raids

It was that simple—just fall out of the plane and go straight to death. simple as that. You're in the zone, and this is way easier than having to go through the DMZ where it's broken and you can't pull your guns in there and it crashes and you lose stuff and all sorts, especially where they happen to be the very last helicopter at the end of the DMZ where other people are probably trying to do it too and they'll probably be fighting for that helicopter to get on that one as well, so you've got to deal with other players whereas this or you got to come in here, and this is pretty much loading, and, not try, you want to die as fast as possible, so in this sorry to this we ain't winning this Gulag so I have no intention to win this goo lag right here.

Instant raid now if you've got just over 20 teams; you just want to make sure that you stop it before you die in the top 20. But it's as simple as that. We're now going down the right entry, "contract." You placed in the top 20. That's all we need to see—something as simple as leaving the game—and now we can go in, go and get their squad, and go in to the raid.

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It's as simple as that, guys, but now when we come out of here, we come over into modern warfare 2. That's it, guys.

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