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wait, I need to get it. jump hold bang it double autom mans you, and it just is a lot quicker than having to like rehit it. So after the first jump, just keep on holding your jump button. If you're ever in this area, you've got to get comfortable with the spots. You can hop up here and jump into this corner.

modern warfare 3 ranked play

Look at your midway, run up here, or just jump on this. You just jump up here and get into this corner as well. You can excuse yourself from only looking at bikes, you can be you have to be careful because you can kind of be seen from the top. But you can also see the mid-cross right here from these angles, so it's very good to know where you need to be playing exactly in those spots.

Then, if you come over to this hut right here, you can hop up on it, you can lay down, and it becomes a head glitch, and you can just spawn and kill them in control. It's a very good spot to watch the pinch as well, like Search and Destroy or Hardo if it's like the P5 Hill. This is the first spot right here that will land in their mid-alley and sometimes hit their P1.

if you just come right here you can run up L it up with this throw it over and it will pretty much always hit their mid alley it's very good in control and Search and Destroy and if you come right here you can nade straight into Market or you can n their top broken just by going like this, either nade works something that's really good to do off the break you come right here you nade over and it will land on the B Street and blow up anything over there then you can run up and you can throw a stun.

modern warfare iii

That stun will hit if they're pushing in like search and destroyer control, and that will stop anyone from trying to run up your bridge, and you'll know that they're trapped pretty much in this area of the map, this little square right here. It's really good to do it off the breakoff of, like I said, control, search, and destroy, and even hardpoint.

Sometimes another really good thing you can do is hop up here and two-tick this nade. Throw it, and it will land their mid alley and blow anyone up that's on that head glitch, so you can time it with your teammate Ching, and then you can also just nade whenever to make sure no one is sitting mid alley on that head glitch.

mw3 gameplay

a very effective need to do is to come up right here if you are sitting, you know if you are sitting in the back parking lot you just kind of look up into the sky and Chuck it, and it will land right behind this car right where people sit, you can also go back up there and throw a stun as well, a good push to do is you could stun this and push it and you'll stun him or a teammate could push it while you're doing it you just run up here bang chow.

And get the free kill. Another good idea is to cut a frag and cook it. It's really good nade to throw off the BR and search and destroy to come up here and throw the N over this building. And it will land perfectly and blow that car up, so you know no one could hit that alley unless if they do it, they're either going to be Ned, dead, or one shot.

This is a very good off-angle to sit in. If you're sitting on top trips, you can watch the low push; they won't be able to see you, but you see them running up, so you get easy shots into them, or if they pop up right in front of your screen, they also don't expect you to be laying down pretty much like floating.

mw3 movement

I guess you could say that you can just get easy kills like this and pop up and get behind this head glitch. I will be uploading on every single map a breakdown like this of the best lines of sight, the best spots, the best angles, and how you should be playing certain areas of the map in certain situations, but if you made it to the end, you are a real one.

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