News - Call Of Duty Warzone 2 Campaign Gameplay - Mind The Gap


Now, the French just intercepted a message concerning a suspicious shipment headed for British soil. No, sir the call came from a number on the watch list for forgotten industries. Wake up MI5 and notify them that we have an imminent threat. Nothing solid special branches are sweeping up non-persons of interest, but we advise tasking SAS to investigate Tier 1 threats.

Patch me through to Harod. Mom, I understand we have unknown hostiles expecting a package. MI5 has identified several possible points of entry. Be advised that the nature of the cargo is currently unknown. Roger, my team is getting ready. We'll be on the plot within the hour. Don't worry, man.

Whatever they're up to, we'll put a stop to it. Base plate, we're online. M on view R Bravo six, there are multiple trucks in the dogs. Mark charity worldwide. At this time, we believe they are. Target told you they were doing cherry work, and the trucks are leaving the docks right now. Our say on transport Intel in this OP shows the shipment came from high-value targets overseas.

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Be advised that one of the trucks is still with the dogs. Why not get a spectre in here and sink the whole bloody thing in a river? Two high-profile Bravo 6 vulture birds will provide air cover. For now, let's just get this thing done and dusted. Fleer is picking up heat signatures in the warehouses.


You will need to clear those buildings before securing the truck. My team will take Warehouse 1, Bravo 9, and handle the other base plates and windows. Closing fast, we're ready to kick this off. Copy that, all teams; you've got the nod; a mission is a goal. All right, mate, let's do this. There's the warehouse in front of us.

Burns will sweep you clean, weapons-free. Aly clear, me, Back to the Ni Send it back to the TU. weap in on foot copy that vulture 22 Scout ahead and check stops to find out where they're headed. Vult 22 is breaking away. Get in the truck. Now get in the truck to get Copy Brave Six. What's your status?

The train's down under Westminster; those bosses using it for transport should be advised that the trucks are headed in your direction. Get to Upsid and RV with Bravo 2 C. Come on, bars. It looks like it's just us now. Now hold your fire. Hold your fire. Nice time, ladies and gentlemen. We apologize for the delay, but there is a security alert at Westminster station.


The truth is almost there. You better get to the top. All teams are advised that the truck is headed your way. I'm coming in hot

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