News - Aim Assist Warzone 2 Warzone With Rewasd Config (quick Tutorial)

aim assist mkb warzone

I'm going to be showing you guys a full rundown on how to get the reway config set up, so when you first open rewed, you'll be greeted with a screen like this. You need to group your mouse and keyboard together, and the easiest way to do that because you might have more options is to click the satellite button.

It detects all your connected devices after pressing the satellite button. Click on your mouse, as you can see this one's flashing, so I know this is my mouse if it might show up as a keyboard, so you have to click, reinitialize, and click. Mouse, then click submit. We have to do the same for our keyboard.

Now take your hands off your mouse and press a button on your keyboard; that one's flashing might again show up as something different as a keyboard. Click reinitialize, make sure you press your keyboard, and press submit. After this step, we have to group our mouse and keyboard. To do so, click Group and choose your mouse and keyboard.

Then you can click close, which saves the group. Now let's open the files we have downloaded. In the settings folder are the in-game settings we have to make; in the scripts folder, you will see two files. One is a badge file shortcut to close Reway. I use it myself after I'm done with playing and want to chill on the PC.

aim assist mouse warzone

Some keyboard buttons are not working correctly, even if I have closed Reway. This shortcut closes it completely; you can do it manually as well. Go to task manager details, find the report, and close it. That is just a shortcut to skip the task manager steps. However, now that you double-click on the reway config file, you can rename it for whatever you want and click import.

Now press from the bottom left to apply to slot one. As you can also see on the popup, we have to press F5 to toddle between our mouse and virtual controller, so when you press F5 and your mouse is movable, that means the config is off, and when you press F5 to turn it back on, then the config is on, and that's when you're ready to

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