News - 1 Meta Kastov 762 Class Setup On Vondel Park. Best Kastov Loadout - Warzone 2

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YouTubers, 38 kills on Fondo Park with the meta AR cast of 762; this thing is so good. The meta primary is in War Zone 2 right now, and you guys have got to give my build a shot. Like the article, if you want to catch these gameplays live, I'll live stream them every day.

Meta kastov 762 setup & tuning

Pounds on the bottom, we're going to go over to the right towards the next damage range, and we're going to do the 0.33-inch jumping board with our third attachment for the cast-off 762 set up.

We're going to rock it under barrel, and we're going to rock the F-Tac Ripper 56 under barrel for enhanced aiming out of stability, hip fire accuracy, and recoil stabilization for the tuning on the under Barrel on the f-tac Ripper: we're going to go up towards recoil stabilization; we're going to tune that to 0.80 ounces; at the bottom, we're going to go to the right towards aiming for stability; we're going to do that to 0.40 inches; jump the board with our fourth attachment order.

Rock a magazine. We're going to rock the 40-round mag for the enhanced magazine ammo capacity simply because you're going to need the full 40 rounds when fighting multiple opponents using the 762 setup. With their fifth and final attachment, the iron sights aren't very good, so we're going to rock an optic.

We're going to rock nothing but the Meta Amop V4. the black cap variant for the tuning on the left side, we're going to go down towards AIM. Now, sight speed, we're on tune at the negative 2.18 ounces on the bottom, and we're going to leave it right in the middle at zero. I'm not going to go towards close or far because I feel like that's what's visually the best and what has the least amount of visual recoil.

That being said, that is the Meta Castle 762 class.

Kastov 762 gameplay starts

Kastov 762 gameplay starts

Get together; I was here. Okay, yeah, after the game, I'm getting on kick; you guys can see it over there. I'm running on a tight schedule right now.

Kastov 762 end game

Kastov 762 end game

This is where I always troll my games, so here we go, brother. What are you doing down there? That's [__] insane, that's insane. That's insane there's no way that motherfucker's really holy. I look down, and he's doing it. He's doing a fidget spinner.

This mother is hot in here somewhere. I'm hitting with a bong rip, so he's going to die in there. He's in there. Getting there, coughing Get out of there, brother.Get out. I wouldn't want to chase

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