News - Warzone 2 - Spawn Tube Tutorial (karachi)

Attacking spot 1

Attacking spot 1

These will cover three routes that the enemies normally take on the defending side, starting off with the first one, which will be how to stop the enemies that run along the left side headed towards the B bomb. For this fight, it's pretty simple: you're going to run all the way over to this back left corner.

Hop on top of this car, and with your right hand, you're going to aim just to the right of this power box, just like so, and start.

Attacking spot 2

The next spot will be Hattitude, the enemies that are running through the middle alleyway that leads to the bomb. For this spot, you're going to run over to this side of the wall and stand on top of this barrel with your rifle.

You're going to aim the bottom left crosshair with this little point sticking out of the corner of the building, so you want these two ends to touch just like so and then start shooting.

Attacking spot 3

Attacking spot 3

And for this third spot, this will be had a tube the enemies that are running through the back alleyway in their spawn and jumping over the wall that leads to the restaurant. For this spot, you're going to run over here and lean up against this part of the wall. You're going to look towards the satellite dish and aim the bottom crossair of your rgl, just in line with the power line that's above the satellite dish, so your lineup should look something like this, and then you just start.

Defending spot 1

Shooting now Switching over to the defending side. I have just two spots to show you on the side, but that's only because there's only really two ways out of the attacker's spawn, so these spots are both very effective and give you a better chance of actually getting more kills. Starting off with this first spot, which will just be how to tube the enemies that are running straight forward out of their spawn, there are now a few ways that you can actually do both of these spots.


I'm going to show you, but I'm just going to be showing you the way that I've been doing them recently, so how I would use this spot is by going over to this part of the wall, and with your underbarrel, you're going to look towards this corner of the building right here. You want to look up until your dot is lined up with the very bottom. Of this satellite right here, so you want the line up to look exactly like this, and you want to make sure you're relatively quick too because the enemies can run pretty fast out of their spawn, but once you have this lined up, you're just going to jump, and then as you are coming down from your jump, you're going to shoot, so you're going to jump, and then right before your feet hit the ground is when you shoot this will shorten the distance of the tube so that it lands exactly where you wanted to which is right there right before they get past that little wall next to the dumpster, so again have this lined up and jump and shoot right before youp hit the ground, and the other spot will be had to two the enemies that are running over to the right side of their spawn and are trying to rush to B bomb, and for this spot what I like to do is line myself up with this part of the wall right here, you're going to look towards this satellite dish, and then look up until you are lined up with the bottom part of this vent over to the right so the lineup should look something like this and then the same idea as before you're going to jump and then shoot your tube right before your feet hit the ground from your jump so it's going to look like.

Defending spot 2

Defending spot 2

This mission time is half over; maintain it.


Lead, and , that's going to conclude this tutorial. If you found this article helpful in any way, then you guys know what to do. Give it a thumbs up. I do post Tu Big content pretty regularly on this channel. Spawning clips spawn Tuing tutorials just like this one, and so on and so forth.

Also read:

Also, follow me on Tik Tok, where I also upload spawn tubing clips for Modern Warfare 3, and join the Discord server while you're at it. I'm going to sign off here, guys, and I will catch you all in the next article.

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