News - Warzone 2 Dmz. Faction Missions Update. Legion Tier 3 Changed

grizz viollent

Tier three It's kind of glitched out today, but I'm rocking tier three missions right now, the last of them, and I will be able to complete them because when you start off like here's White Lotus old man, he's kind of laggy right now, but if you're one all the way across the board right, you get your final weapon there, move a black mouse, and it's complete the tier two story missions for the Legion and White Lotus factions.

We got tier three of both of these and played a tier-two story mission, so they must have changed it because yesterday it was tier three. All these missions I'm rocking now anyway, we're in tier three, and these are the last of the Legion, as you can see on the right; it must have changed it from tier one and tier two.

I thought it was tier three, across the board, so now it's saying tier two, and it's taken a long, long time. Some of these are very hard to get, and they're going to take you multiple tries, so just don't give up. And going in and going solo actually works the best for some of these because your teammates won't want to pull over to some locations that you're going to, so just keep that in mind as you're going through this.

modern warfare 2

Yeah, if you can see, my faction completion is 44 percent. As soon as I complete these other three missions here in Legion, that should be a solid 50, if not 51, because I have White Lotus here, one of them done already, but I'm trying to complete Legion, and then I'll go in to complete all the rest of White Lotus, and I will have another article on what happens when you complete all of Legion.

Until we get there. I just wanted to show you guys what factions are all about, and these are just missions that we're doing in the game and completing over time, and some of these will take you a lot longer to complete, so it's better to get them done now because you get all these weapon blueprints as rewards.

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Right here, when you storm the stronghold tier one, the reward is an actual blueprint, so some of these you will be getting blueprints, and other ones you will be getting contraband weapons to bring into every match, but if you lose it in the DMZ, it's gone. I learned that the hard way with the m13b and brought that sucker back in, but no, we lost it, so I'm going to have to go back in and take that long.

warzone 2

Here in Legion, you've got to drop off 20 pieces of lethal equipment at the Dead Drop area, which I believe is over here somewhere that we're heading right towards. You just have to drop off lethal equipment; it's kind of annoying.

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