News - The Fastest Way To Max Level Up Guns Warzone 2 Without Mw2. Warzone 2 Weapon Xp Strategy



Grab all that money, have all this money, and then we're going to head into this room, where there'll be two more now. As you can see, I have thirteen thousand dollars; okay, I literally have that much cash, and I've been playing for 60 seconds after that drop. Now that I can get the primary weapon that I want to level up in this game, let's go ahead and show you how to do that the fastest.

We're back in business with another article for you today. Are you one of the millions of people who have decided not to purchase Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer and instead just play the DMZ mode as well as Warzone 2 for free while I've got something for you? I'm just sticking around. I'm not going to talk like that the whole article, but I'm going to show you guys the fastest way you can level up your guns and Warzone too, and it's going to kind of be at the same time, incidentally, the fastest way to get your loadout.

We've got almost 6, 000 new subscribers in the last week or two. It's been crazy. If you haven't subscribed yet, subscribe now. Maybe I can get my ex-girlfriend back once I get to six figures. Let me play a sad song for you. I'm the world's smallest violin. Now, a lot of other articles I've watched on this will just be like, "Just find your gun and then do contracts." As true as that is.

I'm going to optimize it way better and make your time way more efficient.

Create primary weapon loadout

Create primary weapon loadout

No, this is easily the best way to get your primary gun, and then I'm going to show you how you can level.

Best drop in warzone 2

it up quick after that, okay? So there's going to be one specific place we want to drop on the map, and that's going to be up here, at the top right, in all of Majorca, the city next.

To highrise now, this is exactly where highrise is.

Fastest way to get loadout warzone 2

Grab all that money, all this money, and then we're going to head into this room, where there'll be two more. Grabbing all that cash then, there'll be three at the main desk on the other side of the building that's going to be on our north kind of side now as you can see, I have thirteen thousand dollars.

It's a hot spot because it's such a nice map. That's what I'm going to do. Now, the reason that we set up one of the weapons that we want to level up in one of our loadouts is because we can come in here to our Primary Weapons and then purchase the weapon that we want to level up, so we have our boss P right here in our BSP.

Watch out for other players again if you're playing solo; there's going to be some other people. If I'm only leveling up one gun at a time. I'm going to just purchase one weapon, so if I go to the gulag and die while I'm trying to do these next steps.

Safe cracker contract weapon xp

Safe cracker contract weapon xp

I'm able to come back with some cash, There can be a couple people in the city, but it's nice and quiet. Because it's so sporadic, it's really hard to see, so we're going to be specifically looking for these safe cracker contracts. These are going to give you a ton of money as well as XP. If we ping it on the map, it'll tell us how to get there.

We'll just head over there, remembering that, like I said, the top of a high-rise can be a little sketchy, so just be careful for people because this is going to be a popular part on the map because it's old from MW2, and we're going to come up here and completely abandon our location here. Start going for our contract's safe record.

afk weapon xp

Hop off the top here, parachute. It's going to drop more and catch more loot. Remember, like I said, a lot of these buildings are super obscure and weird; there shouldn't be anybody playing, just in these random rooms, so I wouldn't stress too much; just run to the next one. There's a vehicle next to us, which can speed up the process a lot; we'll draw attention to you, though, so just keep that in mind, especially if you're playing solo.

going to be trying to fight you and playing dirty. Pray to God that nobody's camping at the top of this all. Right, we're good. Get that last safe, and we'll get a ton of XP once this is finished. As you guys can see, "Boom, there we go, 3200; XP, there we go." That's going to level up our weapon from level one all the way to level six from one contract without a double XP token.

I'm going to grab the next safe cracker, grab the car that I was in, speed up the process, and just keep going now some contracts are worth a little bit more XP like a bounty contract, which can be sometimes up to 5000 XP, but in solos as well when you're doing bounties people also have the opportunity to die from other players still completing and achieving your contract.

We have another player here. It's okay, we might have to get in a couple gun fights, but it's no big deal if you die; we're just going to go again, and hey, killing players just adds more XP to the tally, so say less. All right, buddy, stop. You probably should have jumped out to kill that guy. Yeah, like I said, if you die, man, just drop back down and do it again.

The longer you can survive, the more XP you're going to soak, and that's why, like I said, be careful with the car; it's going to literally attract everybody. In solo matches, they're going to want to fight you. And in this game, where the time to kill is literally the fastest it's ever been in a battle royale, you might just want to take those fights.

In my Gulag. I still have ten thousand dollars in cash, which is why I only purchased the weapon that I was using to level up, so if I do win my Google Log. I can just drop back down on a store, pick up the same weapon, and get right back at it now.



Regardless, you guys get the point right: the weapon XP is nuts. I literally completed one contract and got six levels, as you can see here. I just played that for literally five and a half minutes between gathering, buying my weapon, and completing one contract.

Continue to play if you guys can play with your teammates if you want to continue. If you guys can play a normal war zone, just go ahead and run around with contracts and maybe quads. The likelihood that your teammates will complete their contracts is also pretty high. Yeah, that's all, man. Hopefully that prevents the RNG from trying to find the weapon that you want to level up and stopping in those cash registers.

Getting the weapon and going through those contracts throughout the game again, I only did one contract with me for about six minutes, and I went from level one to six and a half minutes played, DMZ. If you get sick of people sweating their balls off and doing solos or duos, we hope you guys get a kick out of it.

best guns to level up for warzone 2

Don't forget to drop a "like" and interact with the article in any way that helps it get out there to people who haven't seen our channel yet. Hopefully, someone from Call of Duty is watching this and they just understand how. Their game is bad right now from a connection standpoint. It's insane, yeah.

If you have or don't have MW2, this is THEE best way to level up your weapons on Call of Duty's Free To Play Warzone 2! Hope it helps.
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