News - The Best "one Shot" Fjx Imperium Class Setup Warzone 2. Best Fjx Imperium Loadout - Mw2

best fjx imperium build

Imperium, and this is obviously the intervention from MW2, back in the day, but let's go ahead and talk about why we're going to make this sniper an on-kill, so first things first, let's go to the gunsmith, and the first thing we're going to be putting on this gun is going to be a stock, and our stock is going to be the R400.

This is going to help with our aiming stability and our recoil control, so every time we're shooting the sniper, once we do hit that shot, it's not going to sway as much, and it's going to make it a lot easier when we're going and getting multiple kills, or maybe we might have to double tap them depending on where we hit in the body, so definitely put on this stock and we'll go ahead and talk about the tuning.

best fjx imperium class

So for the tuning, we're going to kick this down towards -77, towards the Sprint to fire speed. And then, for our aiming Idol stability, we're going to kick it all the way over to the right, to plus 2.40. So that's going to help our accuracy, and then we'll go ahead and show the next one. The next one is going to be an optic, and I'm going to be running the schogger night view just because of the fact that currently, in war zone or in rebirth or anything, we are having night mode, which is super fun, and a lot of people are using smokes, so this thermal is going to help you see through all of that, but if you guys don't want to run that one, you guys are perfectly able to run anything else, and obviously, the TAC Delta 4 is pretty good to be running in war zone.

If you guys want to run this one instead of the thermal If you're not a thermal fan, there's no worry, but for the tuning on this scope, we're going to be kicking it all the way down towards that aim-down sight speed of -3.0. And then we're going to actually tune it all the way to the left for plus 120 for eye position to keep it on a close range because there's not necessarily too much of a far range game going on since there's a lot of people in general just sitting on roofs the whole time while playing Resurgence.

best intervention class mw2

So we'll go ahead and kick it up with the next one, and it's going to be a barrel. We're going to be running the fahrenheit 29 in the barrel, and this is going to help with damage range hit fire accuracy and bullet velocity, so let's go ahead and check out the tuning on this one, and it's going to look like plus 5050 towards the top for recoil steadiness.

And for the bottom, we're going to go ahead and kick it all the way down to -40 towards that aim-down sight speed. Now this is going to help with our damage range and a little bit of our accuracy, and let's go ahead and kick it off with the fourth perk we're going to be running, and that's going to be the Neil sound 90.

This is going to give us a little bit of a sound suppression, so that way we have a suppressor on our gun to make it even harder for people to know where we are. It's going to help with our bullet velocity, our damage range, and our recoil smoothness, so for the tuning on this one, we're going to be kicking it attive 1.40 down to that aim down sight speed once again, and then we're going to kick it up to plus 1.0 towards that bullet velocity.

best sniper warzone

Now the last perk, and this is a very important perk for guys to be running, is going to be the 408 explosive. This is what's going to make it a one-shot head shot, and it's going to be explosive impact with damage range and vehicle damage, so this is going to give us a pretty good bonus on everything, and for the tuning, we're going to be kicking that bullet velocity all the way maxed out at 8.71.

And then for the tuning on the left side, we're going to kick it down to -3.2. For recoil smoothness, now guys. One shot, one shot That's no plates on currently, so it's going to be a one-shot to the body with no plates, but let's go ahead and kick a dummy on with one plate, and then see what this does.

Still, a one-shot.

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