News - The Banned 2 Shot Kastov-74u Class Is Amazing. Best "kastov-74u" Class Setup - Warzone 2

best kastov 74u class

Yo, Lord is back, you know what I'm saying today: I got the cast-off 74u, class setup today for y'all, the two-shot cast-off 74u, classed on Freon today. I'm telling you all, with this cast-off 74, you are going to be beaming your opponents. Two shots, I'm telling you, have no recourse. Shoot smooth.

I'm telling you, you are going to love this bill. What I need for y'all to do is to like the article and leave a comment. I'll tell you once you get on it and you see the game play with this build and this class out if you're going to be like me. I'm about to show y'all in the tuning that y'all are going to love it and are going to be beaming all your opponents.

Trust me, trust me, trust your lord. Your lord blacks out now. Look, I don't want to hold up anymore. You've got time. Just make sure you all like other articles. Grip i did it to get my sprint to spot fire speed and my aim down sight speed faster, you feel me? And then for the tuning, I did recoil steadiness.

best kastov 74u class modern warfare 2

Max that out and sprint to firing speed. Max it out and request steadiness because this gun does have a little kick to it, so I wanted to eliminate that, and then I wanted my Sprint to fire at full speed. The way you feel about me, I want that all the way, because this gun is an assault rifle. All right, y'all, for your stock, you want to put the O's in your tree a lot to stock on the ocean trees; stocking gives you aim walking speed and sprint fire speed.

Beat me up on this before they can see you, and if you want to like me, if you're on, like me. I have a 360hz monitor. I have a 30/90 TI all this, so I'ma see some people before they see me, especially if they're playing Xbox or Playstation with the 60hz, but I'm on my aim and walking speed and sprints fire speed as fast as you possibly can be, and then with this.

I did my aim down sight speed all the way Max in the aim walking speed all the way Max as well, all right for my barrel. I went to barrel 209 because my movement speed aimed down and side speed were all maxed out, like I said I wanted. I'm looking for this to happen as quickly as possible. I'm just going to be running around with this gun, beaming people.

best kastov 74u class mw2

That's what I'm really going to be doing now that the tuning I did for damage and recoil steadiness has passed because, like I said. I wanted to keep this as a two-shot rifle (off 74), so I want my damage range to be still good and then my recoil steadiness to even out the recoil for the muzzle. I went with the RF Crown 50.

It controls your horizontal and your vertical recoil with this gun, and as I told you, it has a little kick to it, so you want to keep that under control. Then with the tuning. I went with aim down speed and gun kick control aim, down side speed all the way down, and gun key to control all the way up, and with the under barrel.

I went with the phase three grip. It helps with your hip-fire accuracy and your recoil stabilization. I told you this gun does have a kick to it for me, it does have a kick to it with no attachments and no tuning, it's not going to be as good. But the tuning on when we're aiming down speed, sight speed, and walking speed I should have probably went with I probably should have gone with an eight-game idle speed.

I was you I'll go aim idle speed instead but, Mmm. I mean, walking speed is good as well, but I'm going to just go ahead and fix this right there. All right, these are the attachments I used, and I just showed you all the tuning I did. Pause the article right here and copy this down. Put all these attachments on the tuner and test it out.

Gameplay w/ 2 shot kastov 74u class

Gameplay w/ 2 shot kastov 74u class

Ah I haven't seen the class setup, and you haven't seen the game play with it, the tuning down copy, or auto attachments. Come back and let your Lord know your lower Black Ops for me. I appreciate and love every single one of you for your daily uploads on FaceCam. From here on out, the only reason I didn't want to show my face first is because I have, like, another YouTube channel.

I mean, y'all may know it. I'm not going to tell y'all if y'all find it, but look at the lyrics. When you like the article, leave a comment. I love Call of Duty this year, and I'm going to be playing a lot more content on it all right. It's been your boy in the lower black house, bye, Have a great time abroad,

The BANNED 2 SHOT KASTOV-74u Class Is AMAZING. Best "KASTOV-74U" Class Setup - Modern Warfare 2.
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