News - The "1. 2 Million Loadout" Warzone 2. Best Kastov 762 & Lachmann Sub Class Setup/build

best kastov 762 class

Don't forget to like, subscribe, and turn that notification on. Bell Okay, let's go. Shoot, your gameplay baby, let's go, and this is the absolute meta cast off 762. I was using the 40-round mag for the F attack. Ripper, there's your tuning to take a screenshot of the second tread 40 muzzle. There's a tuning stick screenshot of that Kaz 584 millimeter.

Barrel There's your tune; let's take a screenshot of that, and finally, the Carver Soul 76 optic; there's a shooting stick screenshot of that, and then this absolutely insane Max ads like I'm sub I was using a 40-round, 9-millimeter hollow point. There's a tuna stick screenshot of that, but it lacks impulse.

Barrel, there's a tuning stick screenshot of that, and the seven-milliwatt laser There's a Tunisian screenshot, and finally, the Ft Mobile stock There's a shooting stick screenshot, and I hope you enjoyed the gameplay.

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