News - New Scottish Tryhard 5. 0 Setup Guide. Cronus Zen Cod Warzone 2 Sticky Aim Script

Don't even mess around with any of the other anti-recos; here, I've tested them out, and they're not good at all. I'm telling you that Legacy by far works the best. All right, as simple as that, so set that up, press B, then you can go into your aim assist mod, and here there are tons of different things to choose from.

You got your admin values personally; I don't use any of them, so just leave them as is. I'll be honest; none of the admin values are any good, but you can test them out and see what works for you. All right, then you've got your aim assist right here, and you can set up TDR v123. Right there, then, you got Syrian aim assist if you wanted those admin aim assist values, right?

Personally, for me, I just go ahead and write pretty much all of Rock TDR B3 or V2 all right. The difference isn't drastic; it's not like if you use V3, it's going to be like—nothing like that, all right. V3 is what works best for me, and then just press A to adjust your values, always leaving Leave the aim assist type on circular and then use left or right curve again, just matching this to whatever you have personally for me as standard works of s right, then you got through the radius and speed spiral.

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Make sure that's off boost, on fire boost speed boost, and minimum radius boost. Max radius tracking and then you got the tracking size speed and all that stuff right. Press B, then next thing you know, you got your fire mods, and here is like Rapid Fire. Kindle, Fire, and all those things if you wanted to use them.

As you can see, this is useful. This is like "Ping on Enemy," right as soon as you start shooting it, it starts pinging your enemy; that's actually quite helpful. Then you got "drop shots," "snake shots," "crowd shots," "jump shots," and all those other miscellaneous things. Personally, I wouldn't use it, but, hey, man, if y'all want to use it, it's right here, all right.

Slide This one actually does indeed work inside of MW2, so I would utilize it if you're someone that wants to, you know, do the slide cancel. It's pretty good, buddy. Hop and snake plate right snake play pretty much makes you go prone and back on right, so it pretty much snakes you as you're planning, which is quite useful.

I like it alright, and then you got the controller configurations, about which we already talked about profiles. If you wanted to set up different profile buttons, I'm not a big profile guy. I don't care about a primary or secondary. I just use one value for all the guns. That works perfectly fine for me.

Once you're done adjusting, just go ahead and press B.

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