News - New Scottish Tryhard 5. 0 Setup Guide. Cronus Zen Cod Warzone 2 Sticky Aim Script

new scottish tryhard 5.0 setup guide cronus zen cod warzone 2 sticky aim script

We're going to go ahead and talk about how to set up the brand new Scottish Trihard 5.0 script right now. Once you've done that, go back over to your Zen Studios. This is how you go about opening it up and saving it on your Zen, all right? Once you've downloaded it, hit the "files" tab on the top left-hand side, open it right away; that's pretty simple, and then just go into your downloads.

I have just gone ahead and opened the brand new tier for custom scripts, where we again utilize all your settings to give you guys the best fit. Script for you: We still have the other three tiers open, including the extreme script, which includes all my aim locks. Panda and V4 scripts, as well as 25 other scripts, and then the spreadsheets—all right?

This is for all your NT recoil values. Here's a look at all the scripts that fall within the category of "extreme scripts." All these scripts will last you for a month if you sign up once; just keep signing up; we'll keep it up to date; and it'll last you for months okay, and then finally the ultra spreadsheets.

Any game that we have on here is up to date, all right. Let's go ahead and get back to the article I hit. Open all right now when it comes to utilizing any one of Taylor's Drift scripts. You don't need to adjust anything in here all right now if you're someone that likes to learn by reading. If I go ahead and zoom in here, you could easily come in here and read all the little mod menus that he has, but it's totally up to you personally.

That's not going to be needed because I'll be showing you guys exactly how to adjust the script with the controller. You're done with that in here, and you've got it open in the compiler. All you want to do is go over to your program section, hit the six little lines, and then just right-click and drag it to an open slot right before you do that though a lot of people.

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Try to save scripts like this; they are 32-bit, and they get errors. All right now, if you're getting an error trying to save a script, it's most likely because you have this option checked right here that says "use Legacy 16-bit compiler." Option right: Make sure that's unchecked. Once you've done that, you're ready to go.

All right, so we're going to go ahead and right-click and drag it to an open slot for me; it's going to be the fifth one, and then just go ahead and hit this play button to program the device. All right, now what I'm going to do is go ahead and grab my Xbox controller. My PS5 controller next time will be all right.

At this time we're just going to use the Xbox, but I could easily do it with the PlayStation 5. Again, just go and turn on the controller. That's a success, so we're good to go. Switch over to the face cam. So let's go ahead and turn on the script to do this. You guys can see my finger down here.

We're going to hit the big blue button. All right, so I'm going to have to hit it five times because it was on my fifth slot. Right you guys can see me. I'm pressing it right here, and then there you go, right. As far as we can tell, the script says Taylor Drift sth. 5.0, Version 1, right? That's meaning Scott Drift now anytime the screen just goes completely black like this, that's just a screensaver effect, right?

That does not mean the script stopped working; a lot of people see this and they're like, "The script stopped working after two minutes?" That's not the case, right, just a screensaver now. To enter the menus for any single script, literally all you have to do is press LT and menus. Okay, if you're on Playstation, it's going to be L2 and options all right, so again, LT and menus.

As far as we can tell, the menu has stayed the same as before. The menu staying the same doesn't mean you didn't go in and add things; they did update a lot of the recoil movement mods, aim assist, and all those things, but again, the first thing you want to do is just use your quick toggles, and to do that, you could just use up or down; you're scrolling through all the different mods first; then, click on controller configs and go ahead and press a right button.

If you're on the Playstation, it's X right; just whatever buttons I'm pressing, press the exact one on the PlayStation, or I could just make a PlayStation review if that's what you guys want. Now, as you can see in this picture, you've got views left or right, and you're able to scroll through by using the layout stick inverted.

Block Rumble the hair triggers, and then the button remaps all right, so again, just go over by layout and just use up or down to set up your exact point layout for, personally, me. Y'all know I play on tactical; I've always played on tactical, and I will continue to do so all right, so just hit right on the d-pad stick layout the same way you play it on something else for me.

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I just play on default for any of you guys that play on inverted man; if you play on, you deserve an award for all your blocking. Rubble Make sure you turn this on just so your controller does not vibrate whenever you're playing the game. I'm not a big fan of that, so that's why I personally have it off.

Then you got the hair triggers again; I have trigger stops on my controller, as you guys can see, so I don't need that now if you didn't go ahead and turn that on all right now. Just go ahead and press B. We can go back over to the anti-recoil; let's go ahead and press A. When it comes to setting up your anti-recoil, the best way to do this is to utilize the Legacy NT recoil.

Okay, and just set up one value for "all your guns." Okay, the reason is that you don't want to be seen here, so you just use up or down. You guys can see that's how you get to Legacy, and then just go ahead and press A to adjust your values. All you want to do here is set up one value that works for every single gun.

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Okay, the reason is that you don't want to sit there adjusting your values. Midway through the game, because right now the only way you can adjust values is by going into the firing range right before you're creating your weapons, and that sometimes leads to wonky situations where the recoil is off.

So just set up one recoil value now in here, and all you want to do again is use left to right to scroll vertically or horizontally. I always leave my horizontal at zero. Now, inside the vertical, if you wanted to adjust any value in the script that has a numerical value, right, that's a number, you'd have to make sure you're holding LT.

Just like all the other scripts, make sure you're holding LT. Up and down are going to increase or decrease the values by tens left and right, by ones you guys see pretty simply, so for most weapons. I think vertical at around 30 to 35 works perfectly fine, all right. Once you've done that, just go ahead and press B.

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