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mwz all schematics

Is going to be a bit different this is actually found in the act two of the story in the tier 2 missions that will give you a guaranteed way to get cryofreeze, inside of the safe cracker Mission upon completing that you'll be given that schematic forever the dead wire ammo mod will also be acquired in tier 2 contracts, once again if you're just trying to farm a lot of these and get through them quickly hvts are some of the fastest ones you can do if you have a gun that melts them and then also cargo is fairly simple to do as well so would highly recommend that it shouldn't take you too long to come across this one the dead wire ammo mod Napal, burst which I think is actually one of the better items in the game I think it does great for your weapon, this is also acquired in the tier one zone just by doing a random tier one contract you should be able to get this one as well once again not guaranteed because it's not in a story Mission but still at some point by doing enough tier ones you'll eventually come across this schematic.

mwz ultimate guide

or these plans to make this, and then comes our final ammo mod, which is shatter blast. These are found inside of random tier 2 contracts. Once again, no story mission, so no guarantee, but again, rinse and repeat the same exact process of the Tier 1 contracts doing HVTs, cargo, etc., which should give you the best odds of acquiring this quickly.

Now let's move on to your perk schematics. MWZ has quite a lot of them, and they're all acquired by slightly different methods. So starting off with our Deadshot daquiri perk, this one is probably one of the most important perks in the game. It's just great to have, generally speaking, and luckily it's acquired in random tier one contracts, so you really shouldn't have much trouble when you're farming some of these earlier in-game items.

You'll come across Deadshot, I think, pretty quickly, and this one seems to be fairly common to get, so that shouldn't give you too much trouble when it comes to death perception. This one's actually found in the two-factor authentication mission inside of Act 3, and upon completion of that particular mission, you'll be given the death perception schematic that one is guaranteed.

The elemental pop schematic is a bit odd because I've actually gotten it in two different ways. Generally, it's considered that you can get the elemental pop schematic out of Tier 3 contracts. That seems to be the most common way to approach it however I've also gotten the elemental pop schematic in the dark ether, which I didn't really know was a thing I'm not sure if you can get other perks that way as well or other tier three perk schematics I'm not sure but I have got an elemental pop in the dark ether so for what that's worth you might accidentally come across it while doing endgame content if you don't have it already but I would still advise doing tier three contracts overall because there's a lot more of them they're easily repeatable, and I think it'll be a lot more common for you to come across it that way when it comes to the Juggernog can schematic again a very important one these are located randomly in tier 2 contracts.

Pretty straightforward once again, just repeating, anything in the orange zone here, just spinning a game and knocking these ones out very quickly, should give you high chances at getting the jug schematic, plus everything else that's located in Tier 2 now when it comes to the PhD Flopper can be the same case as jug also located in Tier 2 contracts.

This is actually one of the first ones I ever got, and I got it on like my first tier 2 ever, so this shouldn't be too difficult to acquire. Now, when it comes to the Quick Revive schematic. This one is guaranteed, however it's found in act one in your story missions, inside of tier five so this has a guaranteed method to get it you just need to do that particular Story Mission that's why I recommend starting is just as you're playing through all of these do your story missions first because you're going to get your guaranteed ones along the way when it comes to the speed cola can keep in mind for some of these perks you can do an Easter egg ingame to get just the perk itself for that match but obviously you won't be able to keep it we're going for schematics, here but Speed Cola can also be found in the tier one zone doing random contracts, there coal is an insanely important perk in the overall game so it's good it's very easy to acquire.

The same is the case for the stamina perk, which is again super useful, and this is also acquired in Tier 1 contracts; it shouldn't give you too much trouble to come by that either when it comes to Tombstone Soda. What you might say is easily the most broken and useless perk in the game if you're not trying to break MWZ.

It's pretty damn useless, but this is found in Tier 3 contracts, and I have a suspicion because Elemental and Pop can also be found in Tier 3 contracts. I would assume that Tombstone, can also be found in the dark ether now I haven't person Al seen it in the dark ether but I'm going to assume that I saw Elemental, pop there I would imagine Tombstone can also be acquired there too but that should be all of the perks for you as well, now let's move on to Wonder Weapons these are of course some of the most coveted items in the game and let's start with the classic ray gun this schematic can actually be found probably the easiest out of all of the Wonder Weapons themselves and this is just by farming tier three contracts, eventually you'll get a ray gun schematic even though it does feel pretty rare now somebody is bound to maybe give it to you in game or you'll just come across it and get very lucky if you're not going for the ray gun the wonderf.

actually has a guaranteed schematic by completing all of the traditional Story missions: once you get to act three and you go to tier four and do the last one after defeating the boss of that level, you'll be given the Wonder WF DG2 schematic completely guaranteed, and I think this is one of the most common ones to come across and keep, but you will not be able to get this in the regular loot pole.

You have to go out of your way to acquire yourself, and by that point you have done all the story missions, so all of the ones previously you should have already acquired, now when it comes to obtaining the vr11. Schematic this one's tricky; we haven't talked much about the dark ether portals yet.

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Just to lay something out, there are three dark ether portal locations located on the map; they're all in the Tier 3 Zone. The first one is located on the island, the second one is located on top of this mountain, and the third dark ether portal is located in this plaza. So these are all the locations where these respective dark ether portals can be, and they have different maps and thus different schematics, which are actually acquired in the second dark ether portal, which is the one on the mountain.

I'll give you a quick explanation on how these portals are accessed and activated, so upon completing your traditional three-act story missions, you're going to be given a set of new ones that are like Act 4, basically, and they're only one mission at a time, but it's you going into the dark ether to do something.

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