News - How To Unlock Battle Pass Rewards Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Warzone 2 And Dmz

battle pass

So essentially, this year, you have to unlock these different regions, and you have to unlock a full region before you can move on to the next one. A region requires five unlocks, so you unlock these four basic squares first, and then once you unlock all four of those, you will receive the big reward for each section, and that is the thing that shows up as the main picture for each of these different regions.

Now, if you're looking for the free weapons, they are marked by a yellow ping, so it starts in A7 on the top left-hand side. Over here in the bottom middle we have a six which also has the Ping, so this unlocks the SMG, and this up here unlocks the new sniper, but you can see to actually go through and get to each of these different sections we have to unlock other sections first to get there, so essentially you're going through and picking your own rewards kind of, so for completing the entire battle pass you will be rewarded with this section over here.

fastest way to level up battle pass

If we click in, you get some CD points. These are all 100 Cod Points each, and then you get this here, the weapon blueprint. The mortals Bane, and you get the skin from the trailer; there's the tricked-out gold, Warzone Operator, so how do you get these unlocks? to get these unlocks You need to play the game and earn XP just like previously, when you would play the game and earn XP, and by doing that, you would level up your battle pass from one to a hundred.

Now, it's the same except that you can skip whole reward sections that you do not want. So, let's say that I wanted these two weapons, but then the only other thing that I wanted was on this bottom path here. I could unlock these ones first, and I could not worry about the top path at all or the middle path.

I could just simply unlock these two weapons and then go along the bottom path; now, how many unlocks is it going to take to unlock both of the weapons? It takes five unlocks for each square, so for A1, it's five for, or a three-ten. And then for A6, it's 15 to unlock the SMG. So, it's essentially the same as the previous battle pass.

how does the battle pass work mw2

You have to get to rank 15 to be able to unlock this SMG now. If you weren't worried about the SMG and you just wanted to go straight for the sniper, then it would cost for sections, so that would cost you $20. So in actual fact, it's a little bit cheaper for you to go through and get a particular weapon that you want, so this time you can choose which weapon you unlock early, but it will still take you 30 levels, so there are six total regions that you have to unlock, so you'll have to get to level 30 to unlock both of the weapons, which is pretty much exactly the same as previous battle passes have been, so my recommendation is to go through and unlock both of these weapons here, and then you can simply pick the tracks that you want.

You can either go for cool customization things or look for COD Point options and double XP options. It should be noted that there are also vehicle skins and other stuff in here as well, so if you're interested in those, you can go through and unlock those sections first. If you purchase the premium version of Modern Warfare 2, then you will receive the 50 tier skips that you can go through and use immediately to unlock both of your new weapons and then work towards some other things that you're interested in as well.

how to get battle pass tokens mw2

Guys, that is the battle pass explained for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, 2.0, and DMZ. I hope this article helped. Have a great day, everybody.

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