News - How To Get All Cryptid Bootcamp Event Rewards Fast. Camo, Blueprint & More. Warzone 2

Get 75 operator kills with suppressor equipped

Kills with a suppressor equipped while you are using the ghost TV camo perk. Now, this is where I told you guys you can start doing some of the challenges at the same time. If you don't want to copy my exact Riveter class, you can also put a suppressor on it or put a suppressor on whatever shotgun you plan on using.

Put on the ghost TV camo perk, and you'll not only be able to knock out the get-two operator kills without dying, but you'll also be able to do this one at the same exact time. This is what the ghost TV perk will look like in your loadout slot, so you just want to make sure that you have that in your exact loadout while you have a weapon that is using the suppressor.

cryptid bootcamp

And then you just play, or you can use your favorite weapon with the suppressor on it and knock those out pretty easily. It's not a very hard challenge to do. The next challenge that we have is a little bit harder.

Destroy 20 enemy equipment or killstreaks with stormender

Destroy 20 enemy equipment or killstreaks with stormender

This one is to destroy 20 enemy equipment or kill streaks with the Storm Ender weapon, or you can do the zombie version, which is actually a little bit easier, and this one is to get 75 brain-rot zombie kills. What I would do is, if you consistently play zombies, check your stash and see if you have the brain ammo mod.

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If you do, all you have to do is load into a game, put that mod on, get your 75 kills in Xville, and you're completed for this challenge. If you'd rather do multiplayer, here's the biggest tip that I can give you: put on the Storm Ender ASAP. As soon as you start this event, put it on as your secondary slot.

Make sure you pay attention whenever enemies call in UAVs. Counter UAVs with any form of kill streak. While you are doing your other challenges, say, for example, that you're working on the Riveter or the One-Shot Sniper and you're eliminating players, someone on the other team calls in a UAV and quickly pulls out the Storm Ender and knocks it down.

cryptid bootcamp event

You'll need to do that 20 times, and you'll definitely be done before you know it. While you are working on the other challenges, you'll be able to do them at the exact same time.

Get 20 operator melee kills while in smoke

The next challenge that we have is going to be getting 20 operator melee kills. While in a smoke, I would recommend that you use the engineer vest; this will give you an additional tactical slot, and then put on the smoke grenades; this will give you two smoke grenades per life.

What you want to do is wait till I get a shipment; I will throw them down and just spam them every single time I spawn in and run around and knife players. If you have some friends who are trying to complete these challenges as well, do the smoke challenge together with you and some of your other friends who are throwing down smoke.

cryptid event complete

It doesn't need to be yours; you just need to be in the smoke when you eliminate someone, and that will help you guys complete your challenges a lot faster. I don't recommend doing the zombie version cuz this one looks way harder to eliminate five big Bounty targets with a mystery box weapon, so first you'll need to get the money to get the mystery box, and then after that you'll need to find five of these different contracts, and I don't even think you'll be able to do that all within one game, so that will take a while and that could take you up to like two hours to complete all of this, but then the last challenge that we have this one is going to be get 75 Operator kills.

Get 75 operator kills while using covert sneakers

Get 75 operator kills while using covert sneakers

While wearing the cover sneakers, you're going to want to head on over to your loadout and go to the second last one, which is boots. Click on that, and you're going to want to click on cover sneakers, which is going to be the last one for the black flashlight. That will be in the gear tab, which is usually the last one you want to click on, and click black light flashlight.

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Once you put both of those on, you can put it on with any weapon that you want, which means you can do this at the same time that you do the 51 shot sniper kills or the shotgun elimination kills. These are all the challenges. These are all the tips that you need to know. Some additional tips that I have for you are: first off, do the harder ones first.

Additional tips to complete cryptid bootcamp event faster

fast way to do cryptid

Whichever one you think you're going to struggle with the most, do that one first. For example, if you don't think you'll be able to get the melee kills and smoke easily, do that one and start that one first because what will happen is that while you're doing these challenges, your KD is probably going to be a little bit bad, and because your KD is a little bit worse, this will start throwing you into lower skill-based matchmaking and lobbies, and as a result, that will make the other challenges a little bit easier for you to deal with and complete.

But then if you do one of the easiest ones, like get 75 kills while you have a suppressed weapon, and you go crazy with a really good weapon and drop like, say, 60 kills and 20 deaths, they're going to throw you in a little bit sweatier lobbies, and when it's time for you to do the melee challenges or another challenge that you might struggle with, you're going to really have a hard time doing these, so I would recommend you take advantage of the skill-based matchmaking.

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I hope you guys found this informative, but it's been B, and hopefully I'll be seeing you guys back again. Peace

fastest way to complete cryptid event

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