News - Easy Solo Who's Watching Mission Completion For Black Mous. Call Of Duty Warzone 2. 0 Dmz

black mous whos watching

It really is as easy as it sounds. I'm going to show you exactly where you need to deploy that camera to get the credit, as well as give you some tips to get this done easy peasy. Lemon squeezy So our first step is acquiring a tactical camera, which is super easy because you can actually add that to your character loadout as you jump into the DMZ, so you don't actually have to go running around looking for a tactical camera; you can actually show up with one, so that'll already cover you for the first step of three now.

As for the location itself, we are talking about Rowan and Oak, of course, which sit over here on the map, and then more specifically. The underpass that they're referring to is an area of row and oil that is over here that kind of looks like steps underneath into an underground area, and this is where you're going to have to go deploy this camera.

Once you actually get to this position on the map, you'll notice the "underpass," as they refer to it, is over here. You can enter it from multiple angles, from this side, from the other side, as well as adjacently, on the left and right, where you'll see tunnels going in where oftentimes there are enemies.

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Be careful when you come down here. You have some quite difficult enemies that spawn here, but you can see them hitting me with a Molotov cocktail there, and you can see that I've deployed the camera there. The side against the roof anyway is fine, but as soon as you have it there, you'll have the Second Step done now.


The interesting part about this is that you could potentially have a case of no enemies spawning down there at all, or maybe you've killed them already. The cool thing is that once you've deployed one tactical camera underneath the underpass, you can technically use the tactical camera to identify enemies anywhere.

cod dmz

In Rowan oil, it will give you credit for this, so you don't have to snapshot shoot those five enemies underneath the underpass to get the credit for it. As long as you've deployed a tactical camera there once, you will get credit for that, and then from then on, you can simply just put a tactical camera anywhere; otherwise, if you weren't able to actually snapshot five people in the underpass, you'll be able to get credit, as I'm doing here right now in a warehouse in Rowan oil An easy way to do this as well is simply to set up the camera somewhere, like the space that I'm in right now, and then just cause a whole bunch of trouble and get enemies to come to this area, which you can then slowly but surely scan for enemies as they come in to investigate where you are.

In this particular case, I was lucky because I was drilling a safe right here and that was making a shitload of enemies show up here, so I was able to complete this easily. You only need to scan five times. Once you've done that, you are done with this mission. You don't need to safely extract anything like that; you will immediately get the credit.

You can either extract or do whatever you need to do, and then you can go get yourself another mission, and that's going to be it for the article. This is an easy one. Probably the most difficult part of perplexing is figuring out exactly where you need to put the camera, but once we have that start, which is anyway inside the underpass itself, then you should be good to go.

dmz mission black mous

One little additional hint here is that sometimes what will happen is that we will try to mount the camera on the roof of the underpass and it will break the camera, so definitely try to put it on the sides like I did there, and you should be 100 percent fine. I am busy working my way through all of them, basically picking the ones that I either struggled with or that I've gotten questions about, so there's a good chance that I might have already covered the mission you're looking for if you check my channel otherwise.

EASY SOLO Who's Watching Mission Completion for Black Mous | Call of Duty Warzone 2. 0 DMZ.
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