News - Easy Gilded Camo Warzone 2 - Fastest Way To Get Gilded Assault Rifles Warzone 2. Gold Camo Warzone 2

3 kills with 1 magazine mw3

3 kills with 1 magazine mw3

So once you've done those four base camo challenges you will now have access to the gold or gilded camo challenge to actually get the Gilded camo for that assault rifle and this challenge says that you need to get three operator kills with one magazine, 10 times with the weapon it's really important that you listen up for this challenge because it is bugged it doesn't track properly and you don't want to be wasting your time I've seen a lot of people struggle so please make sure you know what to do so you're not wasting your time it's not as intuitive, as it sounds unfortunately, even though it is an easy challenge so I'll explain in just a minute how to do it so it tracks properly in terms of the class setup you want to put on an assault rifle and as an example I've used the SVA 545.

gold assault rifles fast

With the following attachments, we've gone for the Colossus suppressor for the muzzle, the War Pig short barrel, the Mark III reflector for the optic, the main V6 stock, and finally the 60-round mag. This is really important because it improves your magazine's ammo capacity and therefore lessens the need to reload as there's more ammunition in your mag.

Again, for this challenge, we obviously can't reload, so it is important in terms of the game modes. Again i would recommend hardcore, as it's actually best as enemies have less health, so it's easier to shoot them. There's less need to worry about emptying lots of bullets into enemies, so if there's a good hardcore,.

gold assault rifles mw3

Mosh pit or hardcore playlist go for that otherwise go for Close Quarters combat mosh pits including Maps like shipment rust or meat in terms of my tips this is where it's really important so make sure you guys are paying attention so the goal is obviously to get three kills with one magazine without reloading basically, so often once you get three kills with one mag and then you go on to your fourth kill and so on so if you get like four kills in one life with one magazine and you don't reload You' think that would count, for one point towards the 10 and then you start going towards your second one but the game won't count it that way similarly the game does not require you to get three kills with one magazine in the same life so You' think you'd have to do it all in one life because that would be one magazine and when you respawn in you'll have another magazine, but again that doesn't count so right now in the game what you can do is you can get one to two kills in one life without reloading, then you could die and then immediately get another one to two kills so you've got a total of three without reloading.

gold camo fast

Across as many lives as you want and then this will count and like I said this will count across multiple lives so that you can get like one kill then die get a second kill then die get a third kill then die and that will still be one out of your 10 points so as long as you get three kills without reloading, across multiple lives it doesn't matter how many times you die it will still count so you don't need to get all three kills in one life you just need to get three kills in a row without reloading and spread that across one to three lives or more now the main issue is that people will keep getting tons and tons of kills in a row and not reload, which is fine but the game will get confused so what you need to do is make sure once you get three kills without reloading in one life or across multiple lives you then want to reload your weapon and keep doing that after every three kills so like get three kills without reloading.

Across one life or more, then reload, then get another three kills, then reload, and keep doing that over and over again until you get all 10 points, so think of it as like you're getting the three kills without reloading, and then when you reload, that counts as like a save, so you've just saved that point that you've earned; otherwise, you will lose it.

gold camo mw3

I'd also avoid the urge to reload between these three kills; you should have a large enough magazine that you don't need to reload, and also, if you're playing hardcore, enemies have much lower health, so it shouldn't be a very difficult tool. You should have plenty of bullets, but do try and avoid the urge to reload; otherwise, if you reload, you'll have to restart those three kills.

Also, make sure you're using as few bullets as you can for each kill, and finally, if you do accidentally press reload, and if you mess up, just make sure that you tap. The YY button on Xbox, or the triangle on Playstation.

Gilded camo unlocked - thanks for watching.!

Gilded camo unlocked - thanks for watching.!

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Also read:
EASY GILDED CAMO MW3 - FASTEST WAY TO GET GILDED ASSAULT RIFLES in Modern Warfare 3! Gold Camo MW3. Here is how to easily unlock gold gilded camo for Assault Rifles in Modern Warfare 3.
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