News - Best Keyboard & Mouse Settings For Warzone 2. Dpi, Sensitivity, Keybinds & More

best kbm settings warzone

I want to start this article with the two most important settings for keyboard and mouse players, which are the ADS sensitivity type and your monitor distance coefficient. There are so many different options to choose from here, and these options will drastically affect your aim, so in order to test all these different options.

I downloaded a thing called a sensitivity matcher from Kovac. It's meant for matching your sensitivity between two different games, and it does that by allowing me to press alt backspace on my keyboard, and it does a perfect 360. So I'm on relative with my monitor distance coefficient at 1.33, which is the default setting.

Now look what happens when I add, and then I do it again; it is not a perfect 360, meaning my sensitivity has been slowed down when I add, but this is the default setting, and most people would recommend that you change your monitor distance coefficient to something like 1.78. Well, exactly 1.78, and the reason you do that is because you're supposed to be getting a calculator out and you're supposed to take the screen width divided by the height of your monitor, so since I have a 16 by 9 monitor.

best kbm settings warzone 2

I do 16 divided by 9 and it equals 1.778, which rounds up to 1.78. For someone with an ultra-wide monitor, it'd be 21 divided by 9, so you'd want to set it to 2.33. But the problem is when you do that, see I have it set to 1.78, here I do the 360, and it's perfect when I'm hip firing, but the problem is when I put it right on that dot and do the 360 again, it doesn't do a perfect 360, meaning that it's slower when I'm in the 80s.

Another setting I see under monitor distance coefficient that is recommended a lot would be setting it to zero, which technically makes your ads speed the exact same sensitivity as your hip fire speed, and in theory that's going to help make your aim a lot better because you're going to be able to really master your sensitivity because of your muscle memory, but the problem with that is when you're ads, your sense is going to feel significantly slower even though it is the same sensitivity, but your optics are at a higher zoom level making it feel slower.

best keyboard and mouse settings for warzone

So that's a zero coefficient here. Obviously, we do the 360, and it's a perfect 360, but if we add ads and we do it again, you can see that it is significantly slower, and this can really throw a lot of people off, myself included, but then we also have these ad sensitivity options, which by default are set to relative, but I've seen a lot of people recommend Legacy MW, and what I found with Legacy MW is very interesting.

It doesn't matter what zoom level we're at. We got the iron sights on the pistol here, and it does the perfect 360 again; this might be what a lot of you are looking for, but to me personally, it felt a little too fast when I was shooting. And then we have the last option here, which is Legacy Black Ops.

best keyboard and mouse settings for warzone 2

If we do the exact same thing again, we'll see those perfect 360-degree we ads, and it's a lot slower; it almost looks like it's putting your monitor distance coefficient to zero when you do Legacy Black Ops, so you're going to have to make a choice for yourself here. I'm personally going to be on relative and 1.33, since that is just what I'm used to at this point, but I would recommend you either try the Legacy MW setting or have your ads sensitivity type set to relative with their coefficient set to 1.33, 1.78, or 0; but keep in mind that you don't want to use 1.78.

For the coefficient, if you don't have a 16x9 monitor, just hop into the gun range and try all four of those out and see what feels the best to you now. I want to talk about how to find your perfect sensitivity. And, for the majority of people, it's very simple. All you want to do is find an object like the little dot here we've been looking at and then kind of strafe and try to hold your crosshair on it as best as possible.

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You also want to try this while hip firing, and I'm doing a pretty bad job at it right now, but you also want to do it while hip firing if you find yourself struggling. To keep it there, adjust your sensitivity accordingly until you're able to hold it there at a pretty good rate, but I found a better way to find your perfect sensitivity, for all you super nerdy people out there like me, and that is with a game called Oblivity, which is found on Steam for ten dollars, and no.

best mouse and keyboard settings for warzone 2

I am not sponsored by them at all; I just love the program, and what Oblivity is that it's a name trainer, but it's more than an aim trainer; it has a feature in the game called a sensitivity finder, and it allows you to find your sensitivity. It does that by having you play different scenarios, and while you're playing all those different scenarios and while you're sensitive, it allows you to find your perfect sensitivity, so after a few days of doing this and doing a bunch of different scenarios, and while you're sensitive, and while you're sensitive, and while you're to find your aimlabs.

find your sensitivity warzone

It is a free program that anyone can get on Steam, and it is another AIM training program. No, this is not sponsored either. The best part about Aim Labs is that it's free, but you want to go over to Custom on the top here, and you'll see Sensitivity on the right side, and you will see that there is a sensitivity finder here, but currently it is only for flicking, so Oblivion is going to be much more accurate for the time being.

It does say right here that there are more options coming in the future for this sensitivity. Finder, and I'm going to assume it's going to be similar to Oblivity, so if you don't mind waiting for that feature. AimLabs is obviously going to be better just because it's free, but we'll have to see how this feature actually is once it releases because even when it does come out, it could still be superior.

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Now let me quickly go over the rest of my keyboard and mouse settings for you guys. Now I play on 4.7 cents, as I said before, on 800 DPI now if you click more here. There is something I do, which is turn the air vehicle and Crown vehicle sensitivity multiplier to 0.25, because for some reason when you're flying a helicopter or driving a car in this game, your sensitivity is jacked up super high, so if that bothered you as much as it bothered me, just change it right there.

find your sensitivity warzone 2

I have my ad sensitivity multiplier set to one, and then I have my ad sensitivity transition timing set to instant. We covered all these options here before, and then I have custom sensitivity, presume, off vertical aim access, and I have this all set to default, and then if you do play the third-person mode something.

We want it turned all the way off or down here besides mouse wheel delay, so I leave it at default, which is 80, so that way if I accidentally bump my mouse wheel, it's not going to switch my weapons for me. I know the movement's not very good, and there's really no movement at all in Warzone either, but this will improve your movement.

These are the BEST Keyboard Mouse settings for Warzone 2! Use this video as a guide to help you find your PERFECT SENSITIVITY, keybinds more.
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