Grandpa Nooby makes videos and text content for games such as: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III. Articles are written about codmw3, activision, callofdutyindonesia, callofdutyworldwar2, callofdutyblackout, grandpa, mw3beta, thexclusiveace, mw2, callofdutygamer, callofdutybo3, callofdutyadvancedwarfare, callofdutyblackops, mw3, fps, callofdutyaw, callofdutybo2, callofdutymeme, codsniping, callofdutywarzone, callofdutymodernwarfare, callofdutycommunity, callofdutymobilegameplay, callofdutymemes, modernwarefare3.