News - Warzone 2 Pro Pack Cronus Zen Setup Guide. Best Extra Aim Assist. Setup. Season 1 Reloaded

mw2 pro pack cronus zen setup guide best extra aim assist setup season 1 relaoded

Just scroll down; it's the first one, Cod. MW22, Pro Pack; just right-click and drag it to an open slot. Now here's what the menu looks like once you go ahead and first open it. As we can tell, it's a pretty similar menu to what we've had before, however. I just went ahead and opened the brand new tier for custom scripts, where we again utilize all your settings to give you guys the best-fitting script for you.

We still have the other three tiers open, which are the extreme scripts, which include all my aim locks, Panda and V4 scripts, as well as 25 other scripts, and then the spreadsheets, all right? Here's a look at all the scripts that fall within the category of "extreme scripts." All these scripts will last you for months.

If you sign up once, just keep signing up; we keep them up to date, and they'll last you for months. Okay, and then finally, the ultra spreadsheets, which I know are lethal, do you keep them up to date anytime there's a new Warzone apex? Any game that we have on here is up to date, all right. So a huge shout out to the 5.5K members, mostly men, that are currently part of the PTIA.

Let's go ahead and get back to the article right now. You do have to make a lot of the adjustments right here, all right, so when buying the layout, just go ahead and select whatever button layout you guys play on. Yeah, I know that personally for me, I've been playing on tactical since Warzone 1, so I'm going to go ahead and make sure this point layout is on tactical.

The next option is your trigger dead zone. You do not want any dead zones in your trigger, all right? What that will do is make it slower for you to aim and fire, so put that number down to zero. I don't even know why they have this option, all right? Again, sensitivity is another one of those in-game settings that you would need to match.

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For me, it's set to default, so I never change it on the right stick. Sensitivity This is matching your vertical and horizontal to exactly how you have them in the game. For me, I play on a seven-seven, so I'm going to go and increase this number to a seven. All right, the next setting is your stick.

Min input Dead Zone And this is talking about your right stickman as well as your left stickman. Okay, so when it comes to that, just make sure you lower this to.05 or lower, and inside of the game, I rock it at.05 on the left stickman and the right stickman. Alright, so I'm going to repeat it again.

It's point zero, five right, so that's why when I come in here. I just put it at a five because if you move the decimal places two times to the left, we're getting into math class, and I don't want to do that. Okay, next setting stick Max Input Dead Zone I go in, leave this at the max, and make sure the max stays at the max, so 0.99 is what I rock it at all right in-game, response curve type.

Make sure this is standard if you're utilizing Zen. The best aim assist is had with standard on your in-game response curve type. I'm not saying it doesn't work with dynamic or linear, but for my testing standard. All Right Invert, look, anyone that has played on invert is for you to leave that disabled for the next few settings.

are for you, players; personally, I do have an Elite Series 2 controller, but again, I'm not going to talk about these mods. All right, we can definitely do that, so I'm going to put that on disabled keep, scrolling The next section is the global mods, and in here there are a couple of good ones that they got: auto-focus for your snipers' block, game The Rumble Sword controller doesn't vibrate, but Jump.

Dive. Sprint, and Rapid Melee do if, like me, you just go ahead and turn almost all of them on. The dive sprint's kind of cool; you kind of dolphin dive and then get back up and start sprinting inside War Zone 2, where you're running across terrain and open fields and getting shot. It's kind of useful sometimes if you're playing against bad players; putting it on can hurt if anything, but you can always come in here and disable it or turn things on and off right, so just utilize whatever you're comfortable with for me.

I turn it on right next. Setting hair triggers I don't need to enable this because I have trigger stops on my Elite Series 2 controller, but if you're rocking a stock controller, put this on both triggers. Next, settings is our active mod here, and you want to make sure you select Aim Assist. All; by far the best mod you can utilize here is Aim Assist Leave.

A mod activation just on any ads means your aim assist is active whenever you hit your aim binds, okay, and that's important if you want the best aim assist. Then, for Amos's intensity, leave this value anywhere between 15 and 20. It all depends on how much shaking you can handle, right? However, this does not mean you can max out this number and be like, "That means I get the most aim assist." No, all right, all the aim assist is doing is moving your right thumbstick in a circle.

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All right, the higher the number, the faster and bigger the circle, the harder it is for you to aim, so you've got to find a sweet spot for me. It's between 15 and 20 on this value right here, all right; figure out what's it for you, and then go ahead and rock it at that, all right; active shot mod; same thing.

Select aim assist, so you get aim assist in that anti-reco mode. Make sure this is an enemy, because why the heck are you shooting at walls right like I do? Weapon swap mode This is set to automatic, which means how you switch from your primary weapons to your secondary weapons in this game pack I think there are four loadouts: load out three and load out four, so that means how you change from your primaries to your secondary automatic.

Here's how it goes about it: Use loadouts 1, 2, and 3 if you're playing War Zone 2. The ground loot weapons that you're always picking up right ground loot is super viable; you can kill kids even if they have their goddamn loadouts in this game with ground loot, so again, use loadouts. So let's say that for your loadout, one primary pick is a gun that you're always picking up from the floor or that you like to pick up from the floor most of the time.

so for me personally. I love when I get an MP4, and then I always pair an AR with an SMG, especially early in the game. Where ammo is a big issue right, and then scroll down to your SMGs, and let's say I'm picking up the bats with it right again, this is a combination you might get a couple of times in a game, so just leave it at that, and for anti-recoil values, you don't need to adjust anything because most of the guns from the floor don't have those creative attachments where it's going to mess up your recoil right.

MW2 PRO PACK Cronus Zen Setup Guide | Best Extra Aim Assist SETUP | Season 1 Reloaded.
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