News - Warzone 2 Pro Pack Cronus Zen Setup Guide. Best Extra Aim Assist. No Recoil Setup
the gun shoots up, you're going to go ahead and increase this value; if the gun is shooting down, all you're going to do is just go ahead and decrease this vertical value; that's it, Panda Game. That's all there is to know when it comes to setting up this game pack; once you set that up, just come down here.
Make sure you hit close; okay, don't hit X; okay, make sure you hit close; and then just press this play button to program and save exactly. I will be showing gameplay with a lot of these game packs. Best aim-assist values; best scripts Stuff like that, stay tuned, catch the next one, "War Zone 2" is here, baby peace.
WARZONE 2 PRO PACK Cronus Zen Setup Guide | Best Extra Aim Assist NO Recoil SETUP.
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