News - This Vel-46 Loadout Is "meta" On Vondel Park Warzone 2. Best Vel-46 Class Setup - Mw2

best mw2 vel 46 class

youtubers, 31, kill on Vondo Park with the valve 46, also known as the MP7. Like the article, if you want to catch these gameplays live, I live stream them every day at {282}. all right Guys, jump on the board with class setup for today's article for the Vel46. Starting off with a barrel attachment, we're going to go over and rock the LM Series-7.

best vel 46

I was rocking the seven milliwatt. It does have a red beam, so be aware that people can't see the laser. For the tuning on this, we're going to go down towards spreading the fire speed. We're going to tune that to negative 0.38, ounces on the bottom, or to go over to the left where Zan's aim down side speed, we're up to that to negative 37.28, foot Jumping aboard our third attachment for the valve 46 setup, we're going to rock a stock, and we're going to rock the demo RXT stock for the enhanced Crouch movement speed Sprint speed and aimed out sight speed for the tuning on the stock we're going to go down towards aim down sight speed we're going to tune that to negative 2.88, ounces on, the bottom we're going to go over to the left towards Advanced aim walking speed we're going to tune up to negative 1.76 inches Jumping aboard with our fourth attachment for the Vel46 setup, we're going to rock an ammunition, and we're going to rock the 4.6 millimeter hollow point ammunition for the crippling power the stun effect it puts on your opponents, but most importantly, the reason why we're rocking this is for the tuning.

What happens in the tuning well is that we're going to max out the damage range at 70 grains and we're going to max out the bull velocity at nine grains, and that's the reason why we're running this hollow point attachment: for the extra damage range and bull velocity, hence the extra damage you're getting out of your MP7 while you're running this ammunition jumping.

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With our fifth and final attachment for the Vel46 setup, we're going to rock a magazine, and we're going to rock the 50-round mag for the enhanced magazine ammo capacity. For those of you guys who are less skilled players, you know you missed a couple shots. You really don't have the best accuracy.

best vel 46 class

You can run the 60-round mag. I don't personally think you need it, but if you do miss a lot, you might want to run it. For those of you guys who are pretty accurate, the 50-round mag is where you want to stick. That being said, that is the meta Dell 46 class setup.

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