News - The "most Broken" M4 Class Setup On Vondel Park. Best M4 Loadout Warzone 2

Best m4 setup & tuning

All right guys, I'm going to pull the classic for today's article for the M4 setup. Starting off with the muzzle attachment, we're going to rock the Harbinger D20 suppressed muzzle for its enhanced sound suppression and low velocity damage range of recoil smoothness. For the tuning on the Harbinger muzzle, we're going to go up towards recoil smoothness, we're going to max tune that to 1.40 ounces on the bottom, and we're going over to the right towards enhancing bull velocity.

Remember to tune that to 0.38 inches. Jump aboard with our second attachment for the M4 setup. We're going to rock a barrel, and we're going to rock the tide tower. 20-inch barrel for the enhanced recoil control damage, range bull velocity, and hip fire accuracy for the tuning on the barrel, we're going to go up towards recoil steadiness and tune that to 0.50 pounds on the bottom, we're going to give to the right towards enhance damage range, and we're going to max tune that to 0.40 inches coming aboard the third attachment.

A lot of people are running an underbara when they're running the f-tac Ripper 5600 barrel, which is very good for recoil control, but if you want a better recoil, use the Control attachment. We're gonna go to the rear grip and we're gonna go over and we're gonna rock the second ZX grip the enhanced recoil control because, it does more recoil control than an underbarrel does so we're gonna rock the second CX grip for the tuning on the second ZX grip we're gonna go up towards recoil steadiness we're gonna tune that to 0.76, ounces on the bottom we're gonna go to the right towards the answer stability, but we're gonna tune it to 0.36.

Best m4 gameplay starts

Best m4 gameplay starts

Load out, drop on the way.

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