News - The First Game Play. Call Of Duty: Warzone 2 Campaign Chapter4 Missile. Kizuna Sensei

1st play

Well, it was chemical weapons. Marov has highly concentrated sarin gas. The captain almost died trying. I'm here as well. Where are the missiles? ATT tracks Fire's missiles to an abandoned bunker complex built during the Cold War. We know those bunkers, and so does Farah. Why does Con need a silo for portable missiles?

Exactly we'll split up. I'll be by Farah. Just off the eggs. We'll spread out and sweep the complex. Get those missiles back. Good i'm heading to Arov to meet a contact who may be able to help us at the Colombian military base. How are you getting in there alive? I'll report back when I'm able.

Good hunting bravo six to coost at the valley point. What's your status on target, Charlie? You got Alpha Kilo. Bravo Roger stood by, [__]. For sake, head on a swivel old man. Russ's back in a contract Cony group P static chemicals from up north stole my missiles at Sunrise yesterday, all less than 24 hours after Vladimir Marov walked himself out of a prison.

He works quickly; he's making up for lost time, so let's move. Who sent you the missiles? Shadow company Shadow Company doesn't have that kind of firepower; they're eron boys with tack vests; they're allies. They carried out a hit on my men. Commander Graves did this, yeah, well, he had his orders, yeah, from home, General.

first play

Shepherd, did Shepherd send you those missiles? My weapons are my business. He's a very dangerous man. Farah, we are all dangerous, Captain. Look, I never want to lie to you, but I can't tell you everything. What you call classified, I call secrets. My country is under siege again, my brother, and we just have to go a lot deeper than that.

Well, then let's help each other like always. I hope you trust me implicitly. Bravo 6 kilo set copy your drones on station you and far have the con thought lot of Russians con's brought an army into his extent, no missiles in sight they're in the bunkers, then. I see an entry point marking now you'll need a key card to get in, bar is right, we do down a captain in our sector with a key card earlier had a red beret.


Roger red beret. I spotted one near the steel buildings north of the entry—a red beret—and that's mine. One, 61 station con's planting Ulf fingerprints on the base; Makarov's launching a false flag attack; those missiles are American; he's pinning it on far in the west; he wants the W to think I'm the enemy; we need to find out what the target is before it's too late; sniper up on the tower, you shot your.

Through, Captain, you hear us. They're opening the blast door. They're trying to launch the missile. This way, we have to push up to the second floor. Can we use these computers to deactivate the launch negative? I'll need to access the control box on the launch platform. The launch platform is on the other side of this door; copy it; it's locked.

Also read:

I'll get it open. Stand by all stations. We located two missiles. The warheads are C and C. I see again that the missiles have chemical warheads (71, repeat your last). Clear the missile; they're going to launch it, Captain. 06 Come in, Captain, you copy Go for six con's for macaro's chemicals into the warheads; they're going to launch my missiles.


My flag's my country. He wants the world to think you did this. If these missiles launch, they will release chemicals. This missile has them too. Farah, these are your missiles. There has to be a way to disarm them. There is a button on the control box. We can do this. Together, I'm ready to stand.

It's too late to disarm; we have to let it launch. We close the blast door and detonate the chemicals in a bunker. Yes, get to the surface, find the blast door controls, and close them. Captain, where will you be? I'll get to a safe position and hold the launch as long as I can. I'm now holding a step for contact.

Also read:

All station-initiated missile launches are at my location. I can't stop it. What is the target AR CLW base in Covia? No there as well; Kilo, send in a copy now. Go to the tower and get to the controls. C visual on Aon Hilo is incoming to your position; they're bringing in reinforcements you need.

Move all over the surface tower, hold launch as long as I can, together pushing into the control, Now kilo Farah, do you copy? Bravo! Give me a sitre. We're too late, Captain Call. He surrounded the controls, guys.

modern warfare 3 campaign

Call of Duty Modern Warfare III Campaign The First Game play | KIZUNA SENSEI.
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