News - The "fastest" Fss Hurricane Build Warzone 2. Best Fss Hurricane Class Setup -season 3

Fastest fss hurricane

Fastest fss hurricane

In today's article we're going to be going over my best FSS hurricane here in season three so this build is extremely, aggressive it's going to be for the most aggressive type of players but at the same time we have very limited recoil as the FSS hurricane really doesn't have much overall and, the movement on the thing is absolutely absurd let's get into the class setup we're gonna start here right with a rear grip where we're gonna have the x10 grip for Sprint to fire speed and aim down sight speed to help get our weapon up much quicker the tuning there is going to be plus.

best fss hurricane build

81, towards recoil steadiness then we got negative 0.45 towards your Sprint to fire speed for the stock you want the demo Quicksilver stock you want to make sure you're getting the right one there because there is a demo Quicksilver collapse and then the demo Quicksilver stock the, collapsed is just there's too much loss there to The Recoil and it's just not worth it so the Quicksilver is a very good option Nonetheless, tuning is going to be negative 2.58 towards aim down sight speed and negative 1.09 towards aim walking speed for the laser sight.

You want the Slogger Pexbox IV because that's just for aim-down sight speed. With the recent addition of Nerf to the laser sights, they are much more visible on the map. This is kind of going to be my new go-to, so I'm still getting aimed down sight speed—not as much as something like the Olev laser, but you're still getting aimed down sight speed here with zero cons to running this one.

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Tuning is going to be negative. Point 32 towards sprint-to-fire speed is negative 34.55. Towards the aim-down sight speed for the muzzle, you want the spiral V 3.5 flash hider for recoil steadiness. Honestly, you're not sacrificing all that much here, but you are getting recoil control in return.

Tuning is negative 0.29 towards the end-down sight speed plus 0.25 towards gun kick control. The last attachment is the Phase 3 grip to make up for some of the lack of accuracy that's there with the FSS Hurricane. You can see the large increase in accuracy, and that has to do with the recoil stabilization.

Tuning is going to be negative 0.34 towards your aim down side speed. Point 21 towards the aim walking speed I've seen it multiple times on the channel, where people say this is their favorite weapon. I can definitely understand why I would not say it's an overpowered choice of weaponry, but you get a lot of bullets, a very easy recoil pattern, and it's pure aggression.

It's a very good option because of the fire rate, but when it comes to high damage, it's just not that kind of weapon, so that's why I say it's definitely best in the hands of more aggressive players. Let's get over to Hydro.

Fss hurricane mgb

Fss hurricane mgb

I hope you guys enjoy Obviously, aggression is good. Requesting that Recon fly over is good, but there's a certain time when you can overextend. If you guys are familiar with that word or what it means, overextending means you push too far into the spawn. Okay, 52, this game's winding down, so I'm probably going to have to hit this; there's no point in getting it if you're not going to call it, and I made that mistake a couple days ago when I got a nuke with the Tempest torrent and didn't call in the

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