News - Scump's "broken" Kastov 74u Warzone 2. Best Kastov 74u Class Setup - Mw2

best kastov 74u class

All right guys, so for the scumps three-shot cast off 70 for you classics for the under barrel, he was rocking that phase three grip for that in and out of splitty and fire courtesy in our recoil stabilization 4D, tuning scum with the aiming idle booty side and the aiming downside speed side. This will help you with the accuracy and help you control the recoil of the cast-off 70 for the bearing.

Probably the most important attachment for the scumps three-shot cast-off 74U barrel is the BR 209, which bears for that movement speed and aim downside speed, and the 4D barrel. Tunis don't want to be damaged ringside, and the aim walking speed side will increase the mobility of the gun with the muzzle screeching and rocking God dark (KX30).

For that muscle flash concealment and that recoil satellization, and for the muzzle tunings going to the gun kick control side and the aim down speed side, this will control The recoil of the castle center will be for you, and it will also increase the damage and the fire rate of the one for the rear grips.

best kastov 74u class 2

Compass is rocking that true tie. Griff has that expensive fire speed and that aim down side speed, and for the rear grip tuning, he wants to have the aim out of the disability slide and the aim down side speed side. This will increase the handling, accuracy, and fire rate of the cast-off 70 for you, and for the magazine and the last attachment for Scum's 3-shot cast-off 74U class, he was rocking that 45-round magazine for that magazine's ammo capacity.

best kastov 74u class kastov 74u warzone 2 kastov 74u warzone 2 kastov 74u after 1. 8 update warzone 2 kastov 74u after update. Scump's BROKEN KASTOV 74u in WARZONE 2! Best Kastov 74u Class Setup - MW2.
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