News - New Warzone 2 Zero Recoil. Extra Aim Assist. Soft Aimbot Cronus Zen (chimera) Call Of Duty

new warzone 2 zero recoil extra aim assist soft aimbot cronus zen chimera

In this article, man, we're going to go ahead and talk about how to set up the shy rod in the brand new AR. I don't even know how to say this; I think it's Chimera. Chimera, right we're going to go ahead and call it the Chimeras Anti-Rico with the Panda AMV4 Script right, so as we can tell, I do already have the Anti-Rico turned on.

If I just go ahead and press A on my controller, you guys can see the vertical values at zero, and then I'm going to go ahead and put the horizontal at zero all right, the vertical at 28, and the horizontal at zero all right, always leaving the horizontal at zero. The only thing you really need to adjust is going to be the vertical, so let's see what this looks like.

I have just gone ahead and opened the brand new tier for custom scripts, where we again utilize all your settings to give you guys the best-fitting script for you. We still have the other three tiers open, which are the extreme scripts, which include all my aim locks Panda MV4 scripts as well as another 25 other scripts, and then the spreadsheets.

Here's a look at all the scripts that fall within the category of "extreme scripts." All these scripts will last you for a month if you sign up once; just keep signing up; we'll keep it up to date; and it'll last you for months okay, and then finally the ultra spreadsheets. Any game that we have on here is up to date, all right.

So a huge shout out to the 5.5K members, mostly men, that are currently part of the PTIA. Let's go ahead and get back to the article, right? Go and shoot, and again, this is just a value of 28. As far as we can tell, the gun just tends to shoot straight downward at any time. A weapon shoots down, so all you want to do is decrease your vertical recoil value; that's it all right, and so to do this, all you have to do is hit LT and menus on your controller, press A on vertical, and then just use left up or down on the d-pad and just lower the vertical value right again.

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If the gun shoots up, you want to go ahead and increase your value. If the gun shoots down, you just go ahead and decrease the value. So let's go and aim right here and shoot now. As we can tell, the gun still shoots down, just not as much. However, you do want to go ahead and adjust. So, just again, if I were to tell you guys how to adjust the entire value, just go ahead and press LT.

Menus, press a, and then just go ahead and press down on the d-pad and decrease the vertical to around 15 right Let's see what the value looks like with this weapon again. We're going to have to keep adjusting because that's just how this game goes. As far as we can tell, that's perfect. still kind of like drifts off a little bit to the left or the right, but for that part, you just have to go ahead and control right as we can tell; let's see if we can kill that guy.

This gun just blows a lot of smoke in your face. The closer one is obviously even easier. But it just comes down to you controlling it, plus I don't have the aim assist on, so that's going to help out when we go ahead and turn that on, but before we get to the aim assist, we have to talk about my in-game settings.

Everyone always asks for these, and I've said it in all my articles at any time. When I cover a gun's ENT recoil values like we're doing in today's article. These are all my regular controller settings. I don't know if I want that on or off. All right, we definitely want to make sure this is a new setting.

Make sure you turn that off. You don't want any of that aim-response curve type; always make sure that's on standard, and then input dead zones. This is what I recommend now; if you wanted to, you could increase this to 0.5 okay. Your mins, And that will change your anti-Reco values right now. If I go ahead and shoot the gun, you will see that it will most likely change my anti-reco values a little bit, actually.

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I think that's honestly even better, so again, just leave it at 0.5 or 0.00. When it comes to your design, it just depends on how much dead zone you have in your controller, but again, it shoots up a little bit more heavy, so I'll just go ahead and put my vertical value at 30. All right, and now let's go ahead and turn on our polar aim, which is the ENT recoil.

I put my radius and my steps at 20 for my aim assist, and now let's go ahead and see exactly what the heck the aim assist looks like, right? If I go ahead and move over here, you guys are going to notice a little bit of a drag, right? You guys can see I just went ahead and kind of put it right here, and you can see it's like a slight drag.

It's hard to tell, but once you're looking really closely, you'll be able to tell you guys that I'm just holding LT and just moving my guy, and you can see the drag back. That's the goal assist in action with the Pan Am 4. Now if you go ahead and shoot, it makes it even easier for you guys to, you know, kind of stay on target, especially for the furthest one.

It makes it even that much better, you see. Again, guns will always have a little kick to them, especially this one because it's meant for medium-range fights and not long-range fights because of the fire rate that this gun holds. But again, it just depends on what you enjoy, so go ahead and shoot that guy.

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Cheval that so I hope you all enjoyed it, and I'll catch you on the next one. Peace and love, Panicking

NEW WARZONE 2 Zero Recoil Extra Aim Assist Soft AIMBOT Cronus Zen Chimera.
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