News - New Vel 46 Loadout Is "meta" Warzone 2 After Update. Best Vel 46 Class Setup - Mw2



In today's article, I got the best Bell 46 class setup for season 5 reloaded.

Class setup

Let's , Get into it, so jumping straight into the first attachment, for the Meadowville 46 Loadout, we do want to start with the spiral flash hider muzzle. This is going to give us a nice little increase in recoil control and only take away a tiny bit of aim-down sight speed, making it one of the best muzzles for SMGs.

In this game, for the tuning on the spiral, we're maxing out the aim-down sight speed and going to plus point 33 inches towards the gun kit control balancing. This builds out perfectly. Next up, we do want to go ahead and toss on the Vok LZR laser. This is going to give us a massive increase in handling by increasing the aim down sight ends for the fire speed, which is very important to keep these stats as fast as we can for SMG builds, and for the tuning on the laser, we want to go to minus point 42 ounces towards the sprint of fire speed and minus 38.57 feet towards the aim down sight speed.

best vel 46 build

Getting the maximum effect out of this laser now, we do want to throw on something to up that mobility a little bit, and that is going to be the demo RXT stock. This is going to buff our Crouch movement sprint and aim down sight speed on this build, which is going to give this weapon great mobility and allow us to make some super nice movement plays and pull the stock tuning we do want to go to minus 2.81.

We do want to throw in the 50-round magazine. This gun does shut through ammo super quick, so this is really going to help us out for fighting multiple enemies at once, and last but not least, we are going to be using the schlager soldier grip, which is going to give us another massive increase to the sprint of fire and aim down sight speed, giving this build a very good handling and making it super balanced all around.

For the tuning on the rear grip, we do want to minus Point 82 ounces towards the aim down sight speed and go ahead and max up that sprint to maximize fire speed. That handling buff here is the full Montevil 46 loadout for season 5 reloaded in War Zone 2. Easily one of the best SMGs in the game right now, and as you are going to see in the gameplay, this thing had me frying the entire Lobby, so without further ado, let's get into it, Foreign.

META VEL 46 Loadout in WARZONE 2 SEASON 5 RELOADED new VEL 46 Class Setup in WARZONE 2! new VEL 46 is META in MW2! Best VEL 46 Class Setup. Become a Member to get acces to perks.
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