News - New" Top 5 Best Assault Rifle Loadouts Warzone 2. Warzone Meta Class Setups - Mw2



The M4 is easily still one of the best assault rifles in Warzone right now; it's been pretty much one of the best since the game came out, and that really hasn't changed, so starting it off for the muzzle man, we're going to go with the second tread 40 here, just like we had on the tag V for the horizontal and vertical recoil, control, you guys know, the tuning max out the recoil stabilization, and the recoil control next.

Up, we're going to throw in the Hightower 20 barrel for the recoil control damage range and bullet velocity. Out both recoil tunings and the aim for auto stability now, here you guys have a couple options. On the M4, you could rock an optic like the amop or a red dot, but for me, I don't rock an optic on the M4; instead, I throw on the X10 rear grip.

best assault rifle warzone 2

This is going to give you sprint to fire and aim down sight speed early, just up the overall speed of the M4. I really like this, so then you want to max out the aim-down site and sprint to fire speed tunings. Like I said, this is going to really up the mobility and speed of the M4, so depending on your play style, you could go with the x10 grip here, or if you don't want to use that and you want to use a scope, you can go ahead and do that too, and then, to finish it off, of course, you want that 60-round mag so we don't have to reload all the time here. You guys have the best M4 loadout in season 5 right now, so let's go ahead and jump into the last loadout now.



Last but not least, I got you guys with the Lochman 556. A lot of people have been calling this gun the Growl 2.0 because it literally doesn't move. This gun has no recoil. I would put this as one of the lower meta guns in Warzone too, but you could definitely still fry with this thing, so getting straight into the build man for the muzzle, we want the harbinger.

D20 for the sound suppression bullet velocity damage range, and recoil smoothness. You're going to max out recoil smoothness and bullet velocity here to give you the maximum bullet velocity while also keeping the recoil down. Now for the barrel, we're going to go with the 15.9 lockman. Wrap the barrel with the recoiler control bullet velocity and more damage range for the tuning max out recall steiness and damage range again.

best class setup warzone 2

This is going to make the lockman a beam and also keep the damage very high under Barrel. Take a guess. F tag Ripper 56, man, you're going to tune it for recoil and aim for idle stability now. I do recommend using an optic on the Locksmith 556. Man, we're going to go with the ammo peace scope here, like I said, just my favorite optic, my go-to.

We're going to max out the aim-down sight speed tuning and the far tuning now. The bottom bar close and far is just your focus when you're scoped in, so I always max out far so I can see as much as possible in my scope, and then, to finish it off, we want the 60-round Mac. This is one of the most fun ARS to use in Warzone.

Like I said, it literally has no recoil, so I would definitely recommend it to you guys. That's going to be the last loadout of today's article. Hopefully, you guys enjoyed it. Thank

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