News - New Taq Build Is "cheating " Warzone 2. Best Setup & Tuning Taq 556 Mw2

best taq 56 2

ER 26 kills with attack 56, also known as the Scar assault rifle. This thing is an absolute laser beam. I have it built for purely recoil and control. Give it a shot; it's so good. To the max recoil, smoothness, and a negative one inch to the amioto, stability jumping, over with the underbarrow, we're going to rock the phase three under barrel for the enhanced Emmy Auto stability hit by accuracy and recoil stabilization.

For the tuning on that, we're going to put the mask recoil stabilization and Max aiming out of stability, but the magazine, we're going to rock the 60 round. Max, with an enhanced magazine ammo capacity, you guys should go down to the 40 if you want, and it'll make your mobility and your shooting speed a little bit better.

I guess if you're going to play solos, 60 is what I stick with all the time just because I like to have the big mag and I'm used to it because I play a lot of quads geminable with the optic. Now this is a different officer pay attention, we're rocking this SC recharge. Optic; it's pretty similar to the mod V4, but I like it better on the attack for some reason; the reason we're rocking this is that I feel like it has just a little bit more, better recoil control, or less visual recoil than the amount V4 does.

best taq 56 class

Jumping on board with a tuning for the author, we're going to put it to Max aim down size P, which is negative 3.0, and Max to far, which is negative 1.95, and I position jumping over the stock for the attack 56; we're going to ride to tactique rootstock. For the aiming out of stability and recoil control, this thing really is what separates this tac build from all the other attack builds; it makes this an absolute laser beam jumping the board with the stock tuning, which we're going to put at Max and Walkie steadiness plus four ounces and Max Eemiato stability plus 2.40 inches.

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