News - New Insane Warzone 2 Glitches. Glitched Guns/glitched Names Warzone 2 Glitches

cod glitch

To start this glitch, you will need a mouse and keyboard, and then go to your perk package. I'm doing this on the PS5. We can add color to our perk package name, so press L3 to open options and then use a mouse to select rename. Now add in the exact same thing as you see here, and don't forget the underscore between UI and COD points.

This will give your perk package name a little cod point. This is just a visual glitch that can only be seen by you, so it's a fun one to use if you are streaming or making YouTube articles. You can also add color to the name by putting in this symbol followed by a number, and then any name that you want.

Different numbers will give different colors, so just experiment until you find the color that you like the most. Thanks to Cod Zombie 13 for telling me about this next glitch. You will need to have the articulated response blueprint for the 50 GS. This blueprint was available in the season 1 battle pass.

So equip it to your loadout and then put the Break Barrel on it, as well as the Akimbo attachment, and then when you go into the firing range, you will see that you have invisible barrels. It's basically the same glitch as the one I posted last season for the X13. You needed to glitch the impact point barrel with the akimbo attachments, and it would make the barrel completely invisible.

dmz glitch

Sadly, the glitch was patched, but anyone who saved it as a blueprint can still use it, so be sure to save this new glitched blueprint before they patch it. Blueprints, however, do not work in DMC. I picked up two bot guns and X filled with them, and when I returned to the main lobby, it replaced one of my guns with my glitched blueprint, which is just weird.

Luckily, glitch blueprints do work in multiplayer, and just make sure you put on attachments that can help you out. Anyone who enjoys using a chemo pistol should have fun with this glitch.

Here are a few of the weird glitches you can do in MW2. Sadly you will need to own the game to do these glitches. Glitched Blueprints do not work in DMZ sadly.
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