News - New" Dmz Duplication Glitch. After Patch" Infinite Armor/stims "weapon Dupe Glitch" Warzone 2 Glitches

cod glitch

These can usually be found in side-effect medical kits. Once you have two other field upgrades stored in your backpack, you will need to drop the field upgrade you have equipped since this is the one you are duplicating, then equip a completely different field upgrade. Now, just drop the Third Field upgrade from your backpack to the ground, then use the field upgrade, and you will see that it is the duplicate version of the one you dropped first.

For me, it's the ammunition box; it's a good idea to stow your rifles before refilling from the box if you would like to have a whole bunch of ammunition. Continue doing this glitch until you have all the stems that you want. So, like before, drop the equipped field upgrade that you want to duplicate and, then, equip the different field upgrade from your backpack.

It won't work if you equip the same type of field upgrade and then drop the third field upgrade from your backpack, Box, again, and then stash the other two field upgrades to use later. It can sound kind of confusing, but once you've done it a couple of times, you will be able to do it pretty quickly.

dmz glitch

The web and duplication glitch is also still working after the latest patch. Have only one weapon equipped in your primary slot, then down yourself, then have your friend revive you. I lost my backpack weapon because my stash was at 23. To fill up your stash past 10, simply swap a contraband weapon for an insured weapon, and this will put the contraband into your stash whether it's full or not.

It will delete the contraband weapons you bring out of the game if your stash gets too full, but this is a nice glitch to use if you have already done the missions and want to duplicate your insured weapons. Don't forget to turn on Bell notifications to stay up to date on all the latest glitches and XP methods.

And that's all for now.

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