News - New Dmz - Contraband Weapon Dupe (2 New Weapon Dupes/glitched Dmz Guns/stim Dupe) Warzone 2 Glitches

cod glitch

I'll be showing you two ways to duplicate weapons for you and your friends. Ziggy is hiding. Many people are having problems bringing weapons and blueprints into the DMZ, and I'm also having the same issue. My riot shield is completely glitched, and it only shows my blueprint instead of my default right shield, so I'm not able to bring it into the DMZ.

The easiest way to tell if you have a glitch loadout is by equipping it and then going back to the main menu. If your weapon has disappeared from your loadout, then you know it will not work in the DMZ. Some of the glitch weapons that don't normally work in the DMZ can work if you equip them in your backpack before going into the game; just remember that if they disappear from your loadout, they will also disappear in the game.

Riot shield weapon dupe

Riot shield weapon dupe

A big shout out to Lucifer 2207 for giving me this next tip: You will need to have a riot shield in the secondary slot and the weapon you want to use in the backpack, then get into a car and switch to the passenger seat. Now, you can drop it for your friend so that they can also have the glitched weapon.

Also read:

The weapon I'm using for this glitch has been patched, but you can check my recent article for another glitch blueprint that you can create. You can also use this exact same glitch to duplicate any contraband weapon completely solo.

Solo weapon dupe

So again, you will need to have a riot shield, the secondary slot, and the weapon you want to dupe in your backpack.

You will lose the right shield, so maybe duplicate a bunch of those before doing this glitch. Equip the primary weapon before getting into the vehicle. Once in the passenger seat, open your backpack and equip the stowed weapon. You will now see a duplicate of your contraband weapon; if you executed right now, you would only see your right shield.

So you need to swap your weapons first; drop the primary weapon and drop the secondary weapon, pick up the primary weapon, and pick up the secondary weapon.

Solo dupe gone wrong

Solo dupe gone wrong

If you forget to swap the weapons after doing the glitch, then it will just turn back into a right shield when you exhale. You can also use the weapon dupe I posted a few days ago to fill up your stash with riot shields if you want.

Give guns to team glitch (part 1)

If you have a friend who is new to the game or would like to have your weapon, then there are two ways that you can give it to them: first, you will need to give it up and then quickly open up your backpack and drop the weapon that is in the primary slot.

This needs to be done very quickly for me. The dupe glitch discovered by Silent 9 and hacker Elite is still currently working, and you will need a shock stick to do it quite often. It will not work with the first shock stick, so throw the shock stick at the wall and then run into it slightly after you activate your field upgrade.

dmz glitch

So throw it at the wall and run into it just after activating your build upgrade; if you have done it right, when you go to steal your field upgrade, it will actually duplicate it instead.

In this video, I'll show you how bring glitched guns into DMZ plus how to duplicate Contraband Weapons completely Solo, plus how you can duplicate your Loadout for your teammates! The Stim dupe is also still working so use it while you can.
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