News - New Cronus Zen Warzone 2 Community Gamepack Setup Guide. Extra Aim Assist. Season 1 Reloaded

new cronus zen warzone 2 community gamepack setup guide extra aim assist season 1 reloaded

Today in this article, we're going to go ahead and talk about how to set up the Call of Duty: Warzone, 2, Season 1 Reloaded game pack. They've got tons of them, but the one we're looking for is right here. Cody Warzone 2.0, Season 1 Game Pack, 32-bit. All right, all right, all you want to do once you've found this game pack is just right-click and drag it to an open slot for me personally.

As y'all can see, it's already in my first slot. You guys don't have to waste your time shooting at walls or all that stuff. The first one is the extreme scripts, which come with all my Panda aims and aim locks, plus 15 other scripts. I know a lot of you guys are always asking if it is up-to-date.

As far as we can tell, it is up to date every single week, so make sure you guys go ahead and check that out. But a huge shout-out to the 5K members, man, that are currently signed up on pretty. I appreciate every single one of you. We're going to end the year strong, and next year is going to be even bigger, right?

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So let's go back to the article, but again, I appreciate every single one of you guys that signed up okay earlier; in season one, I made the exact same article utilizing. My Xbox Elite. Series 2 controller is right, so this is for all your PlayStation 5 people, but it still belongs to the Xbox Elite.

Series controllers as well, because if you want to see that gameplay or like me adjusting with that controller, just go and watch that previous article. It's going to be basically the same all right in-game for buying layout as we can tell, and this is where we've got to go ahead and adjust all our settings if we take a closer look.

First, the in-game blind layout is pretty simple. Just go ahead and select whatever button layout you guys utilize in the game next. For me, the in-game stick layout is set by default to the right stick. Dead Zone, y'all know I recommend leaving your in-game dead zones on your right stick and your left stick.

The next one is going to be our in-game sensitivity. I recommend just playing at 7-0; that's what I play at. You guys can go ahead and play on any sensitivity you have or that you're comfortable with; just make sure you come in here and match it right. If you put it at an 8, please make sure you guys go ahead and come in here.

This game pack froze. I love it when the crone is thin and decides to do these things. Right now, it freezes; let's see what happened. I think the whole program just froze. What's going on? All right, all right, you know what it doesn't want to work, whatever, we'll just go ahead and make sure you guys go ahead and save the game pack all right.

This thing's being really goddamn buggy, so I'm not even going to mess around with it, but make sure you go ahead and save the game pack by going to the left hand side of the Zen Studios website; there's that big play button right. I'm going to go ahead and turn on my controller again. I've already got my controller paired, so it's going to come up as L2 and options, right?

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Let's go and press X on the mod menu. We can tell we got our first setting of the in-game binding layout again. If you wanted to change something, just left or right on the d-pad. Response curve type: make sure this always stays on standard. If you want the best aim assist with the crotas, then all right, press down on the game vibration.

Cheval. Cheval, cheval cheval, right. Don't use anything else; just leave it on enabled and press down, and then we got our options to set up our different profiles, so in this game pack there are five profiles, and then each profile has a primary and a secondary gun, so you can set up to 10 different weapons if you're playing War Zone 2.

All I would do is set profiles one and two for guns that you're constantly picking up from the floor, so I'm going to go and set this up. Let's say I'm always picking up the cast of 762, and as a secondary, always do an AR/SMG combo if you can do so. Let's say I'm picking up the Latchman sub right, and then for profile 2, another gun that I'm picking up from the floor is an M4.

And the secondary, you know, let's do another SMG, the FedEx 45, right; sometimes you get those from the floor profile. Three is where you would set your custom loadout, or even profile four or five. Right now, I've been enjoying the m13b, even though it's not meta. I would say utilize attack 56 if you're a meta chaser, though.

And the fennec right, so there you go, and then profiles four and five. I'm just going to go ahead and leave this section empty. This is asking you which profile is active currently and set to profile one. Then, we got the profile switch method; we're going to go and set this on manual for a second.

I'll show you guys what "manual" means. This means how you change from your primary to your secondary weapons, all right. I'll talk more about that in a little bit. Amos is always on Taylor shapes, and all that does not matter, so you guys can keep pressing down on the d-pad. There are all these fire and shot mods that I just leave as is; I don't mess around with anything like that.

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We've got the sniper breath here if you want to go for that jump. Modifiers' hair triggers move mods. Master aim: I wouldn't utilize any of these. Aim, assist, and that's about it, right? Once we're done adjusting in this mod menu, just go and press Circle, and then it's going to say save and enter the menu.

one more time by holding L2 and options and going down to adjustables. Press X, and, in here, you want to make sure—as far as we can tell—this is what we were talking about before the right stick. Dead Zone Press down on the d-pad, and we get the left stick. So I know a lot of people are wondering: if we can see it here on profile one, how do you switch to secondary?

Do y'all remember when I said I had it on manual? So for me, it's going to be touchpad and circle for secondary and touchpad and triangle for primary right now. If I press the touchpad and L1, that's how I'm able to change my profiles, right? L1, can go to profile three right, again, touchpad and L1, and since we're already on mod number 16, if I just press down on the d-pad.

I can show you what the automatic switch method looks like all right, so now let's just go and press B and. Now you'll see how I changed from my primary to my secondary simply by pressing triangle right now. Let's say you're in the game and you're putting on plates, and if it ever messes up and, let's say, inside the game I'm actually holding the m13b, right, how do you go back to it being primary?

It's just touch pad and triangle all right. That's why I always recommend playing on manual at first, just so you get used to pressing buttons with a circle touchpad or a triangle touchpad. It's really not that hard, but it does help, all right. very simple, all right Yeah, you can't mess it up even if you try all right.

NEW Cronus Zen WARZONE 2 Community Gamepack Setup Guide | Extra Aim Assist Season 1 Reloaded.
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