News - How To Unlock The Forged Camo On The Stormender Warzone 2



The Storm Ender is the first DLC launcher we've received in a very long time, and we're here to do some camo challenges because we're trying to get all those Mastery camos unlocked. Thankfully, the camo challenges for the Storm Ender are way easier than anything we've ever expected for a launcher.

Unfortunately, if you're trying to do the priceless camo challenge, you're going to have some issues. Odds are, you know exactly what I'm talking about if you're from an alternate timeline. You don't have to worry about this and can go straight to the cam challenges, so let's cover those at the base.

Base camo challenges

The camo challenge is just destroying 25 enemy equipment, and thankfully, they've updated how this camo challenge works. Instead of claymor and proximity mines being the only equipment that counted towards camo challenges in a recent update, they've added all field upgrades to the mix, meaning you can now destroy more than just two things to get camo challenges done, and that applies to the RG80 as well, so if you're trying to unlock Interstellar on every weapon in the game, the camo challenges have been made a little bit easier.

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I found shipment 24/7 to be the best place to destroy equipment. You can also use game modes like war, and now that field upgrades count across the board for camo challenges, you really don't have to play a specific mode to try and destroy things as fast as possible. The Gilded Camo Challenge involves destroying 10 enemy kill streaks.

Gilden and forged challenges

Gilden and forged challenges

That's all you have to do, regardless of what they are, and very similarly. The forge camo challenge is destroying 20 or, I guess, 25 enemy vehicles or kill streaks, and both camo challenges can be done in the exact same game on ground war.

With the amount of uavs, counter-uavs, and vehicles being driven around, you can complete the guilded and forge camo challenges in one single match, because that's exactly what I did. Make sure the vest you're running is engineered. That way, there's going to be a red highlight around every enemy vehicle and a kill streak, so you can see them through walls, making them a little bit easier to locate and destroy.

And you don't only have to focus on UAVs and counter-UAVs; you can destroy helicopters, Ac130s, and VLS. And you can actually destroy cruise missiles as well, and those will also count towards your camo challenge. These camo challenges are also really easy to complete with the Storm Ender because you have unlimited ammo, and on a map like, or.

I guess, not even a map in the game mode of Ground War, the maps are so big that you can hide in your spawn and complete all the camo challenges without having to run out in the open, or to snipers or just other players, by your objectives. You also don't have to do the Camo Challenge on the ground.

Yes, you can do it in one match, but you can also do it on shipment if you're trying to work on other weapon camo challenges and are just doing the stor Ender in the background. When I was trying to find workarounds for the Priceless Camo Challenge, I was on shipment, and I was still destroying lots of UAVs and counter UAVs.

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And just a plethora of enemy kill streaks. Now that we've talked about the easiest camo challenges to complete, let's talk about the one that everyone is having trouble with, and that's priceless.

Priceless camo challenge

Priceless camo challenge

To unlock this camo, all you have to do is affect 25 enemies with the EM MP. For those who haven't used Storm Ender yet and haven't picked it up from this article, you can't kill with this launcher at all.

All you can do is EMP enemy streaks and destroy them or EMP enemy players, and that's exactly what you have to do as long as you shoot an enemy. You're not going to kill them, but you'll see an EMP enemy player pop on your screen. That is all you need to do for the Priceless Camo, but it's not tracking at all, so a lot of people thought, Okay, maybe it's not actually empathizing with enemy players; maybe it's killing them.

You're not going to kill enemy players. The amount of damage that the storm Ender does to an enemy is so negligible; even in hardcore, you have to shoot an enemy more than 10 times to kill them. It's pretty ridiculous. Once this camo challenge is fixed, the fastest way to do this is to ship 24/7 or just a small map playlist like Rust 24/7.

Enemies will be running around like chickens with their heads cut off. All you have to do is affect 25 enemies and leave Camo unlocked. Of course, you're not going to get any kills in that match; you're going to die. Repetitively, it's going to be very annoying, but once you're done, you never have to do it again, and the best part is, if you're one of the crazy people like me, that's going to go for the weapon Mastery, the weapon Mastery requirements for.

Grand mastery

Grand mastery

The storm ender is just destroying.

The full guide to unlock the Forged camo in Modern Warfare III on the Stormender.
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